Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I regret my tubal ligation.

After I had my daughter, Ida I decided that two kids was enough.  My husband and I decided that this was the direction that WE wanted our life to go in.  I figured two was a good number and heck, we got one of each, what more could we ask for?  We figured that if at some point down the road we wanted another child we would adopt.  It seemed logical.

I wouldn't become a believer of Jesus until 6 months after my tubal ligation.  I thought my plan was best.  I regret it.  Four years later I find myself sad that I made that kind of decision without consulting God first.  I don't want a bunch of babies, I barely made it through two.  I am not having baby envy.  I don't think I want anymore, but there is a reason God is putting this on my mind.  I don't have a lot of regrets in my life and I'm not one to beat myself up, however God has taught me a valuable lesson through this.

So many times in our lives we make our own plans.  We think that we have it all figured out and we forget to ask the One who gave us life, the One who already has a perfect plan all laid out for us.  We don't know better and when we think that we do we take our lives off of HIS course.

I think I was supposed to leave this decision up to Him and adoption doesn't feel right.  Well, at least I can rest in the assurance that He still has big plans for me.  But please, please Katie....don't forget to ask God first.

Do you have regrets?  Take them to God, he'll get it all figured out.  I will try and wait patiently for my answer.  The fact that I am impatient isn't going to help much. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Scrubbin' those pearly whites.

Keeping teeth white and clean typically includes a trip to the dentist, Colgate toothpaste and whitening strips.  Can I convince you to do things a little differently?  What if it meant seriously reducing your exposure to harmful toxins?  Interested?  I hope so.

I have been making my own toothpaste for the last couple of years.  Okay, so it looks like mud and it doesn't foam.  It's something one must get to used to...I GET that.  However, I have grown to love it and know that what I am putting on my and my children's teeth and gums is not only good for them, but NOT harmful in any way shape or form.

The toothpaste you buy from WalMart contains harmful chemicals including Sodium Laurly Sulfate and fluoride.  It's time we stop this chemical insanity and start looking at healthy alternatives for our teeth and gums. is my toothpaste recipe.

Equal parts Redmond Clay and Xylitol.
(if you can't find it or don't want to pay shipping, ask me where I get mine!)

Add in a little virgin, cold pressed coconut oil.

Then a little baking soda.

Add peppermint, eucalyptus, clove or wintergreen essential oil to taste.

Notice how I didn't add the amount of each ingredient?  That's because I never measure! I just add what I think seems right.  The coconut oil and baking soda should be only about 1/4 or less of the amount of xylitol and redmond clay you add, but it really doesn't matter as long as you are happy with how it turns out.  When you have all the ingredients in there, add some warm water to make it all mash together.  You might like yours thick, you might like it a little more runny(I prefer it runny).  Either way, you are creating a concoction that will give your teeth an experience in natural cleansing.  You could eat this and it wouldn't harm you ONE bit!  Look at the warning labels on your toothpaste.  Then you can decide what you would rather use.  And what you would rather have your children use and possibly ingest.

In between this homemade toothpaste, I use Peelu Dental Fibers.

The toothpaste I mentioned above, along with the use of these peelu fibers brighten your teeth without the use of the harmful chemicals.  Listen, my teeth may not be white as a sheet of paper, however, they are not yellow!  Next time you see me, judge for yourself.  We were not meant to have teeth that are the shade of white out, however, we don't need to live with coffee stained teeth either.  So please, consider this for your dental health needs.  If you try it and you think I'm wrong, then go and buy your Colgate. 

If you have any questions about where you can find these products, I would be happy to point you in the right direction.

And if you follow this regimen, I promise you won't end up looking like this...

Monday, May 28, 2012

I'd prefer if you called them "hard working hands"!

Kids never fail to give us a lesson in humility.  According to my son, I have "old woman hands".  I kinda do.  They aren't manicured, I keep my nails short and they are usually really dry and wrinkly.  Okay, so I have old lady hands!  So what!  I prefer to call them "hard working hands".  It makes me feel just a little bit better about myself...

It reminded me of this...

"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you - 1 Thessalonians 4:11"

Not all of us use our hands to do the same kind of work.  Some of us dig in the dirt, some change diapers, some serve meals, some serve in ministry, some grip a microphone, some provide a service, some build, some deliver the mail, some take the bad guys to jail, some patch us up, some put out fires, some take care of the elderly and some teach.

And some...protect our country.

Without this, we have little ability to work with our hands the way we see fit.  Please take the time today to truly appreciate the sacrifices made by the men and women who have and are currently serving our country.

We may not all be able to serve in the military, but each one of us can play an integral part in keeping this wonderful country alive.  Know that you play an important part in all of this, while appreciating why we have "it".  Serve your fellow human, raise your families and live this free life to the fullest!!

And don't forget... idle hands are the devil's workshop.

"He gives power to the weak
and strength to the powerless.
Even youths will become weak and tired,
and young men will fall in exhaustion.
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint."

Isaiah 40:29-31

Go forth!  Do really amazing things with those hands.  Manicured or not.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Apple Cider Vinegar that is.

Here is why you may be interested.

Raw, unfiltered ACV is vinegar made from nutritious, organic apples.  This ACV is raw, which means that the apples retain their nutrition since the vinegar is not pasteurized.  During it's two fermentation processes, it produces enzymes and life giving nutrients that make ACV quite powerful.

This stuff:

Is pasteurized and DEAD.  Steer clear of this.

So, here are VERY few of the benefits that raw, unfiltered ACV has to offer:

Helps maintain healthy blood pressure.

Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Aides in stabilizing glucose levels.

Helps you feel full, helping with weight maintenance.

Helps with digestive upsets.

It contains calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Numerous uses for skin and hair care including acne, stabilizing skin ph and shiny hair.

Fights against cold and flu.

Detoxifies the body.

Use to get rid of that nasty heartburn.

Whitens teeth.

Repels fleas and insects.

Will clean nearly anything you would like around your home.

Seriously, this list is only a start to what ACV can do.  If you believe in the powers of ACV, look further into it's amazing abilities(I feel like I'm talking about a super hero here).

The biggest reason I love ACV is because it has SO many uses.  From health, to beauty to home.  It's something that I love having in my arsenal.  It's not a cure all, nothing is, but it's pretty stinkin' great.

Put a teaspoon or so in a little water and drink up once a day...or a couple if you're feeling frisky.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Airin' out your business.

There comes a time in everyone's life.  Well, actually probably like multiple times in everyone's life when we just gotta air out our business.  Sometimes we choose to air it out, but at other times it's aired out for us and we would rather not have aired it out...perhaps not THAT way...or not have it portrayed a CERTAIN way...or maybe it's a little embarrassing...or REALLY about painful...shameful...humorous maybe....or NOT even close.  Either way, we've all been there.

Having all been there, we all know that airing out our business makes us all wish for one thing.  ACCEPTANCE.  Maybe you define acceptance as UNDERSTANDING.  Either way, it's our way of hoping that just one person will GET us.  That they will understand what we are going through and relate in some way or another.

I've had my business aired before.  I mean heck, I'm not perfect.  Makes me wonder how those around me are doing.  How is their business holding up?  Is it being aired?  How are they feeling about that?  Do they need someone to see them, to know that they are not alone?  I know that if I'm going through something difficult, the last thing I want is for no one to notice, especially those closest to me.  Those that I feel I can trust.

So many times, myself included, we find the easiest way is to ignore a problem, whether it be our own or somebody else's.  Just sweep it under the rug.  Problem solved...for now.  Or perhaps we put on our best game face and just make it through the day until reality sets in and we realize NOTHING had really changed because we didn't face it.

Let yourself and others around you air out your/their business without judgement and with the support of friends and family around them.  It takes strength to air out the business.  To face it.  We don't all have to agree, but we HAVE to CHOOSE to be there anyway, reminding them to not LOSE HEART.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

For those of us who have the honor of knowing Jesus, we know that our troubles are only temporary.  It doesn't make our troubles go away.  We need the help of others around us to pull us through.  Please, be the person that YOUR person NEEDS when they need it.  You might just find yourselves a big old BLESSING.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Huff this!

Essential oils, oh the wonders.  I have grown to love my oils in a serious way.  It's going to sound kinda weird, but I find myself just staring at them sometimes, so glad that I discovered them and their endless uses.

I have avoided doing a post about essential oils for a long time.  I finally realized why.  There is so much amazing information about them, that I just knew I couldn't fit it all in!  That's when I realized it's not up to me.  It's up to you to do the searching if you want to.

So, what is so great about essential oils you ask?  Well, let me tell you!!

Essential oils are the highly concentrated, volatile(in a good way!), aromatic essences of plants. Essential oils contain hundreds of organic constituents, including hormones, vitamins and other natural elements that work on many levels. They are 75 to 100 times more concentrated than the oils in dried herbs.  In other words, they are super duper concentrated forms of the healing plants they come from.  They pack a lot of punch.

So, first I must ask you.  Do you believe that plants can heal us?  If you do, I would highly suggest you start using essential oils as part of your daily routine and more importantly as part of natural healing. 

There is a ton of information out there on essential oils and their uses.  I would find yourself a good source whether it be a favorite website or book to be your guide.  There are some precautions that you will need to be aware of, so please read up on them.  Nothing scary folks, it's typically telling you not to ingest certain oils or to use a carrier oil when using.  

There are hundreds of essential oils out there and choosing between them can be extremely hard.  I have been using them for the past couple of years and I am still only a beginner.  One thing I have found out is that you MUST pick a good quality essential oil to get the medicinal effect that you are looking for. 

I have looked into it A LOT and my favorite spot for excellent quality, pure oils is from Mountain Rose Herbs, which is right out of Eugene.  Another reason I love Mountain Rose Herbs so much is because their site it not only good for ordering essential oils, but it is a WEALTH of information.  You can click on any essential oil and then click on "learn more" and it will give you all the information you need on the oil and it's uses.

I find myself doing searches online regularly when I need to find out what the best oils are for healing certain ailments.  For example, if you have a fungus among us, you can find a good anti fungal oil, such as cedarwood.  Or if your kids have a really bad stuffed up nose you will find that rubbing peppermint and/or eucalyptus oil will help them breathe better.  The internet is a wonderful tool, but I seriously suggest finding a good essential oil book.  If you find a great one, let me know because mine kinda sucks and I've yet to find that "one".

 What are my favorites?  Oh, there are too many, but I will pick my top 3, just to get your wheels turning.  The information will come courtesy of Mtn. Rose Herbs.

1.  Cedarwood.

"Properties: Antifungal, antiputrefactive, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, insecticide, regenerative, sedative, tonic
Benefits: Acne, air purifier, anxiety, arthritis, bronchitis, cellulite, coughs, dandruff, dry skin, fungal infections, immune stimulant, insect repellant, nervous tension, rashes, rheumatism, ulcers. Cedarwood is a good addition to a hair tonic, and gives the aroma a long lasting undertone."

2.  Peppermint.

"Properties: Analgesic, anesthetic (topical), antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, cholagogue, cordial, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, insecticide, nervine, sedative, stimulant, stomachic, vasoconstrictor, vermifuge
Benefits: Acne, asthma, bronchitis, cholera, colds, cough, cramps, dermatitis, diarrhea, exhaustion, fainting, fever, flatulence, flu, gaseous indigestion and irritated colon, halitosis, headache, hysteria, indigestion, insect bites, kidney stones and gallstones, mental fatigue, migraine, motion sickness, mouth or gum infections, muscular pain, nausea, nerve pain, nervous disorders, neuralgia, palpitations, poor circulation, respiratory disorders, sinusitis, toothache, travel sickness, vertigo, vomiting. DIffusing peppermint into the air may help with many ailments, from headaches to an upset stomach."

I also use peppermint to flavor my homemade toothpaste.

3.  Orange.

"Properties: Anticoagulant, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, cholagogue, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, fungicidal, hypotensive, stimulant, stomachic, tonic
Benefits: Asthma, colds, cough, depression, flatulence, hypertension, indigestion, infections, insomnia, muscle aches and pains, slow circulation, stress, tension, wounds. To use this oil for its uplifting properties it may be added to a bath (hand, foot, or whole), or diffused into the air."

I use this one on my face every morning, so rejuvenating.  Smells good enough to eat.

Ok, this is so painful.  I want to add about 20 more to this list, but this is where you come in.  Go forth, get your essential oil on!!

Do not be daunted by all of the information out there.  Learning is good and with essential oils, it can go REALLY deep.  Go there, it's worth it.  If you have any questions, ask any essential oil geek near you.  And if you are one of those geeks, please share your top 3 with us in the comments!

Any of you that know my sis Ashley Kahl at The Ugly Homemaker, feel free to order from Mountain Rose Herbs off of her website.  It is an amazing Oregon company providing a quality product.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Homeless grab bags.

"whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"
Matthew 25:40

I was recently convicted by a post written by my sis Ashley.  You can read the post here.  It really got me thinking about "the least of these" that I encounter and whether or not I am doing enough.  I thought about it.  I'm not.  Period.  I pass by homeless people, trying not to make eye contact, feeling bad that I don't even address them as human beings.

Now don't get me wrong.  Most of the homeless that we see along the road in this area are only trying to make a few bucks so they can buy their next beer or a pack of cigs.  I get that.  I am NOT naive.  As a matter of fact, most of the time I am not naive enough.  That is part of my problem.

I began to realize that it's not my job to decide whether or not these people are worthy of my time and money.  It's not up to me.  It's our calling.  So, that left me with some serious thinking and praying to do.  How can I help them without throwing money at a problem, but yet letting them know that I do see that they are there, that I care and that I want to value their life as Jesus does(even if I am just pretending).  I gotta be honest.  It's hard for me to care about the homeless that I view as lazy alcoholics who just want to make a buck.

So, here is what I decided that I am going to do.  And I am going to ask you to join me.  I want to make homeless grab bags.  Bags that I can pack with some simple edible healthy items, along with other things such as hygiene items, an encouraging letter, a deck of cards, etc.  The possibilities are ENDLESS!  It is something that goes beyond a hand out.  It is a bag that was prepared with thought, prayer and consideration.

Yep.  It might just get thrown in the ditch.  I get that.  I also get that it might just reach ONE person and put a temporary smile on their face.  BUT, it just MIGHT plant a seed that will flourish in to God only knows what.

It's as simple as packing a few items in a small bag that you can keep in your car and hand out to the homeless as you drive by.  So, will you join me??

"Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!"

Hebrews 13:2

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Chia seeds are NOT just for Chia Pets.

And if you ask me, flax can't hold a candle to chia seeds.

Chia is a flowering plant in the mint family.  Here is what it looks like.  If you're anything like me, you just have to know where things come from and what they look like.  If not, just bear with me.

From this plant we get chia seeds.  If you haven't ever heard of chia seeds, here is a visual.

Here is why you should seriously consider adding chia seeds in to your healthy repertoire:

The seeds provide ample calcium(5 times more calcium than milk) and proteins(2 times the amount of grains) to your body.

The nutrients increase your brain functioning.

Good source of iron.  Three times the amount of iron than spinach.

Helps balance blood sugar.

Prevents diverticulitis(inflammation of intestines) and keeps things moving real nice.

Adds healthy omega-3's to your diet.

The complete proteins and sugar balancing properties make for an excellent energy boost that will last.

Jam packed with antioxidants. 30% more than blueberries

 After being soaked in water, drink it up and it will help your body maintain electrolyte levels.  Great for you crazy athletes out there.

Unlike flax, which has to be broken down to absorb, chia seeds can be eaten whole and easily digested.

So, how can you start using chia?

You can mix it in water, let it sit for about 30 minutes and drink.

You can mix it in with smoothies. 

Put it in nearly any food.  It has a very light flavor, so you don't have to worry about it affecting the taste of food.   Sprinkle them on fish, steak, salad, vegetables or soup.

Start with a few spoonfuls a day. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kids DON'T come with instruction manuals. Shoot.

Growing up, I didn't think that I would ever have kids.  My sister and I never grew up around other little kids and so they just became somewhat....foreign.  I always thought that people who just LOOOOVED KIDS were a little strange.  I couldn't relate to their gentle, loving and patient way with children.  In many ways, I still can't. 

Well, it turns out that my and God's plans didn't line up and their names are Bean and Ida.  I like his plan and I love my kids dearly but I seriously had NO idea what I was doing when my first was born.  I quickly found out that raising kids is tough and just when I think it's getting easier I find out I was wrong.  Raising children is the most amazing thing that any one of us has been given the privileged of doing, but also the most difficult. 

I frequently find myself thinking about whether or not I am doing things right.  Hoping I don't screw them up with all of the mistakes I make.  When Bean was born I found myself reading every parenting book, blog and magazine there was out there, thinking that if I just educated myself I could figure this whole thing out.  Ha!  Although I believe that educating ourselves is good, it can also be done in excess, causing unnecessary panic and conflicting information.  Parenting is hard enough as it is!

So much of the information out there these days tells you that in order to be a good parent you must:

Never lose your patience with your child.

Read to them at least 15 minutes a day.

Do LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of crafts with your kids.  Make sure they are using all of their different motor skills or they may end up a little...under the curve.

Praise them for everything they do, not matter how insignificant it may seem.  Make sure you clap...A LOT and with a big huge smile on your face.

If your child wants to play, you must drop everything that you are doing and play with them.  After all, they are only little once!

A messy house=happy kids!  The laundry can wait.

The proper consequence(don't use the word punishment) for EVERYTHING is a time out.

Always feed your child something 15 times before you stop trying.  Research shows that is how long it takes for them to decide if they like something or not.

Here is my list:

I lose patience with my kids AT LEAST once every day.

I am really good at the reading one.  So score one for me.

Craft time?  Hey kids, let's go outside and play in the dirt instead!

I don't find it necessary to super duper excitedly praise my children for doing things that are expected of them.  I save it for the big stuff.

I don't drop everything to play with the kids.  If I'm in the middle of something, they need to learn to wait.  And sometimes I don't want to play!!  I like spending time with my kids, but they don't need to be constantly entertained. 

A messy house=a seriously mentally fragile mother!  I can deal with a little mess, but let's be realistic here.  My kids need to learn to keep a tidy home too.

Time outs don't work with every kid.  Some kids need a spankin'.  Some don't.  Some need extra chores.  Some don't.  Some need all their toys taken away.  Some don't.  And then there are some that need to take 10 laps around the house!

Eat what your Mama made ya!!

I'm sure you are all thinking about what your own lists would say.

I am not the perfect parent.  There are certain days I feel like I should win the parent of the year award and other days when I hope my kids will somehow forget how I behaved that day. 

Our children need to know that we are not perfect.  We ALL have personality flaws.  Be repentant and honest with them when you screw up.  Apologize.  Tell them that your behavior in that situation wasn't okay.  Pray with them before bed about a situation that happened during the day that you're not proud of.  God has used my kids more than any other person in my life to make changes in myself that need to be made.  Make no mistake about it, they are part of His plan for us.  He doesn't expect we do it all right, but He wants us to ask for help.  I need all the help I can get.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

Friday, May 11, 2012

I do not get an A+

I've always had to work EXTREMELY hard for my A's.  I wasn't born with the smarts.  My sister got all of those.   

People(who obviously don't know me very well!) tend to think that because I  passionately write about food and health that I am somehow really good at practicing what I preach.  Yeah....NOT always true.  Not even mostly true!  I try.  Sometimes I succeed.  Sometimes I fail.  This is just as much a learning experience for me.

Let me give you an example.  I had a really bad day in terms of healthy eating the other day.  Really bad.  My kids had pop and Dairy Queen in the same day.  Then we got working outside so late that I never fit in making dinner.  Bean ate a pop tart and 2 waffles for dinner.  Ida had goats milk and dry noodles.

If you were to look through my cupboards, you would find a lot of organic stuff.  You would find my hippy stash of essential oils, supplements, coconut oil and such.  BUT, you would also find swiss miss hot chocolate packets and a jar of Skippy peanut butter.  You may also catch us eating a Little Caesar's pizza or some Yami's teriyaki chicken and rice. 

I have these moments...

I try to make a Vitamix every day, but sometimes I don't.  Sometimes I forget to take my supplements.  Heck, there are certain days that go by and I have forgotten to eat a single fruit or vegetable.  

All we can do is the best we can in our own circumstances.  I fail a lot, but it doesn't mean that I'm not going to try better the next time.  Eating healthy and taking your entire life down the "hippy highway" are not easy things to do, but they are things that I strive for.  Failing is not an excuse, but we all do it.  Cut yourself some slack and make the choice to educate yourself and do better next time, and the next time, and then the next time....until it finally sticks. 

Sometimes it's a matter of the will.  Sometimes you have to rely on God to be your strength.  Sometimes it's just a matter of try, try, trying again until it becomes a habit you'd like to keep.  We are all different and we aren't all going to achieve things in the same way or on the same timeline.  Set goals and go for them, while knowing that if you mess up, there is always tomorrow.

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. -Proverbs 16:3

 God will help you with whatever you ask him for, whether it be about big stuff or the little things.  Whether you are trying to eat better, pray more, become more educated about something or completely change your lifestyle, it can be done one step at a time.  Whatever you do...

Every change is a process.  It takes time.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We are losing our men.

Currently, women are far surpassing men in education and the work force.   

In society we are failing to teach boys what it means to be a MAN.

The value of a strong back and strong man has nearly been diminished because we are mainly city dwellers.

Everywhere we turn men are being juvenalized, made a mockery of and portrayed as stupid.  Just turn on nearly any sitcom and even some cartoons! 

Women are self sufficient, they can do it by themselves.  Our men are believing this. 

The traditional family has taken a backseat to political correctness.

What happened to men being our heroes?

Is this what we women think will happen if we allow men one up on us??

Some movements of feminism have been very beneficial, but many have also been detrimental.  I understand that movements to give women basic rights were needed and I am thankful for that.  I don't want to take away from that or lead people to believe that we should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen while our husbands shout orders at us.  I believe we should be joyfully barefoot and pregnant while our husbands joyfully provide for us and treat us like the church as Jesus teaches.

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.  In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies."  Ephesians 5: 25-28

As women we are not doormats.  But, we were made for a purpose.  We were made to serve God and to serve the man that he puts in to our lives.  By service I mean this...

"Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.  Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."  Ephesians 5: 22-24

I understand that the word "submission" is hard for most of us.  We don't want to be seen as less in anything.  But let me ask you this.  Was the church less to Jesus?  I think not.  We play an immensely important role in the lives of our families and to those around us.  We all know that without the women our men would be lost.  And without our men, we would be left unfulfilled.

So, let's allow our men to be MEN.  To become lovers of God, of us, of their children and of those around them.  To lead their families as God intended.

So many of us are afraid to allow their men to be the head of the household.  I understand, I am one of those women.  I have a LOT of work to do in this area.  If we let go of that control, we would be hard pressed to find evidence that women should be in control of everything.

And don't forget that you play an integral part of leading others to Christ, dependant upon how you behave in your marriage.

"Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives." 1 Peter 3:1-2

Go.  Be a woman, a powerful one at that.  But do so while submitting to the men in your lives and you will experience the fullest that God has to give you.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Keeping up with the Joneses

The other day Bean and I were in the car driving home and he started asking if we could buy a different house to live in.  He started talking about other people's houses that we know.  I instantly spotted a trend.  All of these houses were bigger and nicer than ours.  Then he informs me that he doesn't like our car.

Bean just started earning a weekly allowance.  He takes out the trash, the scraps to the chickens and the recycling.  His idea of money has definitely morphed.  Although he has learned more respect for money, he has also developed a strong desire for MORE.  Isn't this familiar?

We all have those moments when we want MORE and we have the burning desire to keep up with the Joneses.  Society bombards us with messages that we need to have a certain amount of things, a certain type of house and certain types of clothes to be...well...part of it all.  We will have to go places where we will FEEL judged.  We go to school, work, the grocery store and church.  And realistically, many WILL judge us. 

How do we stop ourselves from this insatiable want for more?  How do we stop comparing ourselves to others?  How do we stop feeling inadequate because we see that someone else has the latest fashion, the nicer house, the BEST marriage and their kids are immaculately dressed and obedient???  Want to know the secret?  Well, although I would love to say that I discovered it, I didn't.  I had nothing to do with it.  The answer is.........THANKFULNESS.  Duh.  We knew that.  So why not practice it more?

I know I could practice thankfulness more.  Sometimes it gets put on the back burner.  At times it gets swallowed up by the case of the wants.  We can only hope and pray that our children will grow with the knowledge that they are blessed. Don't forget that they must be taught and modeled thankfulness.  When our kids truly understand thankfulness, they won't have to grow up living in a mountain of debt and self pity, but in the peace of knowing that they can live joyfully with what He has given us.

Bean.  You have a Mom and Dad who love you.  If you get upset with us, remember we are only human.  We will make a lot of mistakes and you won't always like us.  We don't have the nicest house, a brand new car and your mother will never dress fashionably.  But, you get to grow with the knowledge that there is a God in heaven who loves you so much.  As your parents, we feel privileged that God borrowed you to us and can't wait to see what you will become.  You don't need to focus your energy on things you don't have.  Start living with what you HAVE. 

Bean doesn't need me to constantly tell him what he has to be thankful for.  It can be frustrating when you try and convince your kids that they are blessed, but we try anyways.  I know I have.  Let your kids see your own thankfulness, they just might follow your lead.



Friday, May 4, 2012

SLS take me away!!!

Oooooh yeah...Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, take me away....

SLS, you just make my teeth feel soooooooo clean, yeeeaaaaahhhh.

Oh, and don't forget the mouthwash.

Let's pause for a moment.  What is SLS?  Well, it's an incredibly toxic substance that is one of the listed ingredients on products we use on a daily basis.  Let's continue.

SLS, I love getting a close shave.  Soooooo smooth.

Oh, just thought you should know.  SLS is a known carcinogenic(potential to cause cancer).

SLS, you make my skin feel so nourished and smoooooth.

And you always keep me safe from the suns rays.

SLS has been know to aide in fertility problems.

It can cause skin irritation.

But, no....SLS you keep my zits at bay, right?

You keep my dishes so clean.

And you keep my babies so clean and smelling so good.  You must be good....right???

Wrong.  The chemical Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is in MANY of our daily products and is a harmful chemical that no one should be exposing themselves to.  So why do companies use it and expose us to it???  It's cheap.  It's what makes all those wonderful products foam up and gives the appearance that they are somehow working better.

SLS is harmful.  It's a chemical that has serious health and environmental complications.  Do the research and see for yourselves. 

There are many alternatives, but you must look and do the research.  It's worth it.  After all, if you are exposing yourself to a harmful chemical several times a day, wouldn't common sense tell you it's not a good idea???  Please, look into it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Underdog

Sometimes you just feel like the underdog.  Maybe you somehow feel responsible for something that happened to someone you love.  You feel like maybe you could have done something more, taken action sooner or prayed more.  Maybe you feel so judged that no matter what you do it's never going to be enough.  Perhaps you spread yourself so thin that you feel you can't do anything good enough.  Maybe you feel like you missed an opportunity in life that you know you should have taken, but didn't.  Maybe you just feel like you were never given that golden opportunity.  Maybe you feel like you have wasted your entire life and now there is no point in turning things around because you feel like it's too late.  Maybe you feel like a failure to God, that you never became the perfect Christian you thought he wanted you to be.  Maybe you have faced so much devastation in your life you have accepted it AS a way of life.  You feel like you got the short end of the stick.

We've all felt that way at some point in our lives.  Sometimes you conquer it and come out a better person because of it.  Sometimes you don't.  Sometimes you allow it to fester and become a part of who you are...the underdog. 

At times our problems, or the problems of those around us just seem to big to conquer.  It's so easy to give up and accept things as they are.   After all, it's not that bad being the underdog.  People ignore you for the most part and you ignore all of the problems around you as well.  It becomes easy to just...well...lie down.  You just live your life and let those around you worry about all the rest because they are better, smarter or better equipped than you are.  After all, you have yourself to deal with.

I have good news.  God loves an underdog.  He has made that blatantly obvious to us throughout his teachings in the Bible.  That's helpful.

Let's be honest.  Being the underdog sucks.  But guess what?  It's from that pit that we can come out stronger and better than ever.  It's time.  Time to choose to shine and become part of something bigger than yourself.  There are things, people and places that need your attention, prayer and passion.  Sitting around feeling like an underdog ain't helping anyone.  So, let God do something great with you already. 

  It's YOUR time.

"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
9 What do workers gain from their toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time."

Ecclesiastes 3:1-10