Saturday, April 16, 2011

Personal Hygiene

With that title, I feel like I should tell you about how to wash your private places... but well..that's kind of part of what I am about to say. For awhile now, I have changed most everything that our family puts onto their bodies in terms of personal hygiene. I guess I could ask you a question. Why would you put something on your body that you couldn't injest, or that has pretty scary warning labels on it? We have been led to believe that the products we buy off the shelf at WalMart are safe because, well, how couldn't they be, right? Wrong. Sooooooooo wrong. Nearly every single product you buy off the shelf at WalMart is laced with harmful chemicals. In the interest of time, I will only cover two of the numerous chemicals, but understand they are too numerous to list. If you haven't already, please do your research and find out this information for yourself.

Triclosan. The definition of triclosan might as well be horrible. Triclosan is found mostly in hand soaps. It's the "antibacterial" agent that is supposed to keep us from having any bacteria on our hands and bodies. I mean, God forbid we be exposed to any bacteria. Give me a flippin' break. Triclosan is a harmful chemical. Believe me, if triclosan were needed to protect us from harmful bacteria my family would be sickly and/or dead. My kids play outside our house with every form of feces you could imagine. My daughter has been known to eat chicken food, pinecones, sand, poop, dirt, sticks, etc, with every animal imaginable running around. If your a germaphobe, stop! You are creating your own worst nightmare.

Sodium laurel sulphate. My personal favorite. This is a foaming agent found in everything that foams pretty much! From toothpaste to shampoo. It's also a harmful, cancer causing chemical. Read the labels of all of your hygeine products and you will find this chemical. Research it. Find out for yourself and decide if it's something you want to put on your body...or your childs body.

There are alternatives, plenty of them. They are harder to find, often times more expensive and you have to read the labels. There are plenty of "natural" and even "organic" brands that still put this chemical in their products. You are being scammed in to believing that the products you use are safe. Nearly all of them are not.

I know there are some of you reading this who have already discovered these facts and are using healthy products in your home. Spread the news. If you aren't, please consider this information. We are what we put on and in our bodies. If you look in to this, I can't imagine how you wouldn't want to find alternatives. If you are interested in changing, there are numerous websites available through a simple google search that will lead you wherever you want to go. Some of us don't want to make our own toothpaste, deoderant and shampoo and that is ok, there are good brands out there. I prefer to buy some things and make others.


  1. My husband grew up on a farm and swears that farm kids have better immune systems because they eat small amounts of poop every day. I sort of wish he was wrong and I could live in an antibacterial world. I'm coming around and completely agree, if not always practice, what you are talking about in this post. Thanks for sharing.

    (friend of Ashley's)
