Alright. So first, I should mention that I actually have a real laptop with real internet service now. It's been a long time and it's a lot better than a cell phone. It's about time Qwest decided to take high speed out to the boonies. I mean....some people live here.
Inappropriate. This word means a lot to me. Before I became a Christian, the word inappropriate meant something totally different. After I had children and then became a believer in Jesus Christ, inappropriate just started surfacing time after time after time after time after time. What I realized was that I needed to define what "inappropriate" meant for my family.
My kids always seem to be the avenue that God uses to make changes in my life. Smart God. He knows how to get to me. My son, Bean started asking about females in movies, asking why they had "bumps". This lead to a discussion about boobs and such. Then, it lead me to thinking about exactly what my kids were watching in their movies. We don't have cable because I think it's evil. Believe me, I want cable, but in a BAD way. Cable has done nothing but bad in our lives, so as a family we have decided to get rid of it. However, the kids still watch a lot of movies and they live in the real world.
When my son started asking me about females and their different "parts", I decided that I wasn't going to try and shelter him from what he was discovering and that I would just be honest with him. Whenever I would see a female on a movie that was not covering herself, I would tell my son, Bean, that that female was "inappropriate". I explained to him that a female should cover herself and not expose her private parts for all to see. I really thought I was doing a good thing. My thought process started to receive questioning when my son started pointing out everyone and everything that was "inappropriate". It was embarrassing at first!!! Now, I am proud. My son and now my daughter are aware of the world and that there are a lot of things that happen in the world that are inappropriate. They know that they are expected to act and dress differently. But above that, they are expected to love the "inappropriate" people and accept them for who they are. I love that. I don't want to hide the world from my kids, but teach them about it.
I went through a period in my life when I was inappropriate. I understand that we all might. I hope we can all think about what we are portraying to others around us who are looking to us to be an example. What is your worth? Mine is in Jesus Christ, but I didn't always have that and I get that! Who do you expect to make an impact on in your life? What kind of impact do you want to make? Is it one of simplicity or grace or self worth? The world tells us so many lies. Don't believe them.
May I say, Amen again!!! I have walked in your shoes, I get what you are saying!!! And you are saying it so well, in my humble opinion!!! You are an amazing mom! You are on the right path.....keep going!!!