This is not a subject that I think about a lot. Thankfully I've never experienced infertility and can't imagine how difficult it would be. I've ran across information in the last couple of years in regards to the toxins that we are exposed to and how those toxins are linked to infertility. I am by no means educated on this subject, I'm just giving some information that I thought someone might want to know.
The truth is, we are exposed to tons of different toxins every day. Toxins are in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the products we put on to our skin. Let's break each one down.
Food. Do you drink out of plastic water bottles? Did you know that those bottles leach the chemical bisphenol A? Just google it and you will find all of the information you need. To sum it up, this chemical is linked to infertility by artificially increasing estrogen levels, making the woman's reproductive system not work the way it's supposed to. We all know about how so many of the foods that we eat are harmful to us. The chemicals that our foods are treated with are harmful to our bodies in more ways that contributing to infertility, but research shows that the pesticides used in treating our food is linked to low sperm count and infertility.
The same toxins that are used on the food we eat, along with the process used to make those harmful plastics I mentioned before cause the air to become polluted with the same toxins. The toxins also end up in our water supply. There isn't a lot we can do about the air we breath, but we do have power over the food we eat and the water we drink. Eat organic, local food and absolutely DO NOT drink bottled water!!!!!! Do your best.
Skin. The products that we put on to our skin are typically loaded with harmful chemicals. I wrote about this before, think it was titled personal hygiene. So if you aren't aware of these chemicals, please read that blog post or do some research on it. The smart people say that there are 3 compounds in skin products that are linked to infertility. They are compounds found in sunscreen, wrinkle creams and heavy duty acne medications. If you are interested, these 3 infertility culprits are called Vitamin A compounds, the benzone family, and the salate family.
I have no idea why I wanted to write about this. Perhaps it might help someone down the line to think about how what they eat and what they put on to their bodies could possibly be affecting their ability to have a child. I know that there are a lot of people that load their bodies with these chemicals and still have children, but each body is different. We all respond differently to these chemicals. Some people live long lives, others might get cancer, other health problems or maybe even infertility. There just might be something to this.
Boo plastic! Although these chemicals are bad for us all, they are especially bad for boys. I want to keep my little boys swimmers in tact.