Sunday, January 22, 2012

The good ole days...

You hear it all the time.  People, especially those who are older, talking about the "good ole days".  They reminisce about the good ole days, telling stories about how people in town all knew each other, crime was uncommon and dealt with quickly, kids had respect for their parents, people worked hard and were God fearing.  Sometimes you hear younger parents talking about how they wish they could go back to those good ole days now, where things just seemed so much simpler.

On the flip side of this we hear people talking about how the good ole days are over.  So, it got me thinking about why the good ole days seem so far out of reach, like it is something of the past that is completely lost and we cannot ever get it back.  Often times I hear people talking about the good ole days fondly, but accepting it's demise through "new ways" that perhaps they know aren't positive, but as if they can't do anything about it.

Let's face it, some of the ways of the good ole days weren't that great and needed some re-thinking.  I also understand that the idea of the good ole days can sometimes be glorified.  But many aspects of the good ole days I envision were great. 

What makes you think of the good ole days?  Some of you might think about families sitting out on the front porch visiting with neighbors, whom they all know personally.  Maybe you think about strong families, strong churches and sound principles.  Perhaps you think about men who worked hard to take care of their families no matter what it took.  Family farms.  Faith in God.  American made.  Dependable friends and even strangers willing to lend a helping hand.  Respectful youth.  Honesty with a hand shake. 

I don't think that the good ole days are totally dead.  I can think of many people who give me a taste of what I think of when I envision those days.  They inspire me.  The good ole days don't have to be dead, that is our choice.  Too many times we push out the good ole days with the new ways because it's easier to accept the new than to hold on to and stand firm for the old.  Whatever your good ole days is, hold on to it.  Be the good ole days in your family and in your community.  It's okay to accept some of the new, but don't ever let it compromise your principles. 

Never allow yourself to accept this idea that the world is too far gone.  It's not.  There will always be those that stand firm and do not allow the ways of the world to compromise their principles.  It is that kind of person that we need most.  Don't feel your there yet?  Yeah, me neither.  I want to be the good ole days that I dream about.  The good ole days in a broken world.  Imagine what we could all do if we let the good ole days shine through the new.

One thing I know for certain...God's word will never be outdated and can bring salvation to every generation.

"Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past. Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you."  Deuteronomy 32:7

So go on, don't be afraid.  Go out and do something outdated.

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