Oh, Sponge Bob. I hate you, I really do. My kids think it's great when they get to watch it, while I sit back asking myself why I let them do it. But what about sweet little Dora and Diego? How about The Avengers or Phineas and Ferb? Ok, I secretly love Phineas and Ferb. But, that's not the point. These shows have our kids sucked in don't they? It's not like it ends with the show. They start asking for the toys, the underwear, the backpack, etc. It becomes a total obsession. Don't EVEN get me started on Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber. I guess we have to then ask ourselves if that is so bad.
I don't see how anyone wouldn't agree that the media is using our children as marketing tools. The media is targeting them through TV, internet, cell phones, etc to sell their products. You really can't blame marketers for targeting children in order to sell their products. They are just trying to make money, right? "I mean, isn't making money what life is all about?" she says sarcastically.
How have you been influenced by your child while shopping? Or better yet, influenced by them at home while they beg you for that special toy or gadget they just HAVE to have or they won't be complete. It's not like it's easy to say no two thousand times to your child as you walk down the ailes at WalMart or Target. Seriously, think about it. How often do you give in to it? I know I have. Then I ask myself if it really matters. Well, maybe it is ok. I mean, what is the harm in it? If they need a shirt and the shirt just happens to have Sponge Bob on it, what does it matter? Ya know, I don't think it always matters, but sometimes I think it does. This is where common sense comes in to play. Yes, common sense. It does still exist within some people and I have faith you still have it!!
Some of the marketing ploys have gotten bad, real bad. The scariest part is the value that is being sold. The value that what you have is what matters. Self indulgence, instant gratification and materialism. It's all about me!! That is what is being taught to your children if you let the media have it's way. Many times kids get the idea that in order to pretend to be Spiderman, they must have the Spiderman mask, web slinger and full costume. Or to be a pirate they must have the specific hat, eye patch, hook and sword. What happened to picking up a stick and using it as a sword and PRETENDING?
Again, I think it's different with every kid, every family and each circumstance. However, with that said, I think that we need to pay better attention to what our kids are doing. Do they have imaginations and engage in play without having to be bombarded with media or a specific toy? Believe me, I completely understand this. My son, who is 5, is the worst of the worst in this category. He loves his wii, his toys and TV. If I don't limit him he will go hog wild. We have had to set rules with him or he would rot his brain all day on the wii and TV. We let him go hog wild if there are people over and under certain circumstances, but on a normal day there have to be limits. He is also very materialistic when it comes to toys, he always wants more. Some kids are totally different. My daughter is that way. She just isn't interested in that stuff enough for it to become an issue. I just think we need to watch what our children are doing and make sure that they have the chance to imagine, be kids and not be overloaded with all the media and materialism.
Most kids used to want to be nurses, astronauts, mailmen, policeman or fireman. There are still kids who want to be the good guy, but so many kids these days want to be rich, be famous, have a lot of stuff, movie stars or professional singers. Why do you think this is?
So much of their childhood is being squeezed out through the violence on TV, the materialism and their desire to keep up with the Jones'. Let's not allow our children to believe that their value comes from what they have. This means making some tough decisions. Ultimately it is our responsibility to monitor what our children are watching and the decisions that we are allowing them to make. We can't be with our children all the time and unfortunately our children are going to be exposed to things that we won't have control over. This is where making sure that your child is coming from a home with sound values comes into play. Your child is up against a lot this day and age, so what they are learning at home is going to make a big difference in how they allow the garbage to affect them. Spoil your child occasionally, but leave it up to the grandparent's most of the time. It's a balancing act, a hard one at that.
And let's not ever forget how our Maker sees it. "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." Mathhew 6:20. Our best gifts and greatest treasures are not material possessions. Our stuff doesn't matter to God. Let's do our best at teaching our children that. This verse in Matthew is a hard one to swallow in the world that we are living in. Don't forget that we are not perfect and we will make mistakes along the way. Just try again. And if you are like me...again and again and again.
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