I've always been a bit of a deep thinker I guess you could say. I have those days where I just survive, not thinking of much other than what to serve for dinner. But for the most part, I spend a lot of time thinking about stuff. It's not typically superficial. It's deep stuff. Stuff I'm passionate about. Stuff I want to have a part in changing. Stuff I want to shout from the rooftops. And I just can't keep my mouth shut!! This is both a blessing and curse. There are times I WISH I could shut my brain off. I am sure that are plenty of you who can relate.
Sometimes I am wrong. Sometimes I am right. But I try. We all have a voice that someone might listen to. We all have the responsibility to speak what we know to be the truth. To help others to be aware of and to live our lives according to our own truths. To be examples of those truths. My truth comes from God and the Bible. I want everyone to know who He is and be saved. I also want everyone to be aware of what is happening in our beloved country.
There are so many things going on in our country right now. We are coming up on an election that could either make or break us. We are told that our economy is in a recovery, yet so many around us are still suffering. God is being attacked every which way we turn. Our kids are being forced to grow up sooner than they should because of their exposure to all things violent and sexual. The traditional family doesn't seem the norm anymore. A man and woman's place in the family is being tested and tried. Our food system is so out of whack that we are killing ourselves with food. An honest days work and applying for food stamps go hand in hand. A dollar isn't what it used to be. A communities sense of responsibility for one another has been taken over by the Government. Family farms are struggling to survive. Our freedom in America is slowly slipping away. Political correctness has too many of us afraid to say ANYTHING. Our country has become unrecognizable.
Sometimes the problems just seem too big. There are so many times that I just want to give up and stop caring, stop thinking about what our country has become and what God has been taken out of. I don't want to deal with it and figure that it will work itself out...somehow. Then I realize that it won't. There is only one way we can turn things around. It's us.
Giving up is easy. It's the cowards way out. Sometimes I am a coward. Sometimes I hide and just let it all happen. Then something, some One wakes me up and says GET UP! Stand up for what you believe. We must first educate ourselves and then those around us. If we are all aware we can do something about this. The few can't do it themselves, so get up and join the crowd!!! Educate and lead by example the best you know how. It's what we can do to try and pull America out of the abyss.
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
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