Those people who "get" us. We all have them in our lives. Those people who totally accept you for who you are and love you anyways. The people that can understand how you are, whether they agree or not and still want to be with you and don't make you feel bad about it. I so appreciate those people in my life. My sis and bro in law came over tonight and it totally made me think about this. I have a hard time pretending to be something I'm not and sometimes that gets me in to trouble. I spend a lot of my "lonely" times feeling like an outcast, whether it be because I'm a believer or because I speak out constantly about what I am passionate about. I am a passionate person. I can't help that. It's the way God made me.
We all want to be accepted. No matter how hard we seem on the outside, we all have the same basic needs. I don't need everyone to agree with me. I just want to be heard. I want those close to me to GET that even though we may not agree we can still be friends. Our differences make the world go round. I don't get all cheesy that often, but right now you just need to hear me out.
Don't ever forget that those who you are close to are looking for the same thing. Someone to love them and to accept them for who they are, not to be condemned for what they are not.
I am so thankful for the relationship I have with Jesus Christ. He accepts me no matter what and corrects me when I need it.
"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." Romans 15:7
I am a believer. I love Jesus. I love my family. I love my friends. I obsess over food and what's in it. I care about America and politics. I have B.O. a lot and don't shave my legs enough. My kids are dirty most of the time. I love the smell of cow poop. I am obsessive about cleaning my floors. Sometimes I get mad at my kids and apologize a lot. I don't always say the right things in the right situations. I sometimes appear emotionless. I am NOT fashionable in any way, shape or form and I don't care. I get a thrill out of driving a tractor. Being outside makes me really, really happy. I get irritated with my husband, but he accepts me for who I am and I love him for that. I love having animals and can't imagine life without them. I am not always thankful, but right now I am. I am me.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for accepting me. Not judging me. You know who you are and I appreciate you. Never forget that there is someone out there that needs you to be that someone that accepts them, no matter what. And for goodness sakes, know that there is a God who wants to be the ONE that will accept you NO MATTER WHAT.
I love this, and I love that you are who you are... deer leg, chicken guts and all!