Monday, April 30, 2012

Taming our tongues.

James 3:3-6

"When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal.    Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go.  Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.  The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell."

How many times have you said something that you later regretted?  I am no exception.  The Bible warns us that our tongues can get us into some serious trouble in this life.  Our words are powerful, whether spoken for good or evil.  Those words are hard to choose and even harder to control. 

James 3:7-10

"All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind,  but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness.    Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be." 

We are clearly told that we are not able to control our tongues on our own.  Perhaps we can at times, but without the help of God, we will continue to find ourselves wondering why we couldn't make that relationship, job or circumstance turn out the way we wanted.  I know I screw up a lot.  I say things I shouldn't and many times try to tame my tongue on my own.  It doesn't work, at least not for me. 

Proverbs 12:19

"Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment."

When we understand that we must rely on God to help us tame our tongues, our words can endure forever.  We can leave a legacy instead of a gossip chain.  I know a few women that I could only hope to begin to mimic.  Women who truly rely on God to give them the words they use every day when facing reality and relationships.  I'm me.  I'm imperfect and God gets that, but that doesn't mean I don't have a lot of practicing to do until He molds me in to what He wants.  It starts with the ability to choose my words wisely and realize the impact I have on those around me.  I want my lips to be truthful.  And in order to do that, I realize that I need His help every day.  Great thing is...all I need to do is ASK for it.

Friday, April 27, 2012


I've always been a bit of a deep thinker I guess you could say.  I have those days where I just survive, not thinking of much other than what to serve for dinner.  But for the most part, I spend a lot of time thinking about stuff.  It's not typically superficial.  It's deep stuff.  Stuff I'm passionate about.  Stuff I want to have a part in changing.  Stuff I want to shout from the rooftops.  And I just can't keep my mouth shut!!  This is both a blessing and curse.  There are times I WISH I could shut my brain off.  I am sure that are plenty of you who can relate.

Sometimes I am wrong.  Sometimes I am right.  But I try.  We all have a voice that someone might listen to.  We all have the responsibility to speak what we know to be the truth.  To help others to be aware of and to live our lives according to our own truths.  To be examples of those truths.  My truth comes from God and the Bible.  I want everyone to know who He is and be saved.  I also want everyone to be aware of what is happening in our beloved country.

There are so many things going on in our country right now.  We are coming up on an election that could either make or break us.  We are told that our economy is in a recovery, yet so many around us are still suffering.  God is being attacked every which way we turn.  Our kids are being forced to grow up sooner than they should because of their exposure to all things violent and sexual.  The traditional family doesn't seem the norm anymore.  A man and woman's place in the family is being tested and tried.  Our food system is so out of whack that we are killing ourselves with food.  An honest days work and applying for food stamps go hand in hand.  A dollar isn't what it used to be.  A communities sense of responsibility for one another has been taken over by the Government.  Family farms are struggling to survive.  Our freedom in America is slowly slipping away.  Political correctness has too many of us afraid to say ANYTHING.  Our country has become unrecognizable.

Sometimes the problems just seem too big.  There are so many times that I just want to give up and stop caring, stop thinking about what our country has become and what God has been taken out of.  I don't want to deal with it and figure that it will work itself out...somehow.  Then I realize that it won't.  There is only one way we can turn things around.  It's us.

Giving up is easy.  It's the cowards way out.  Sometimes I am a coward.  Sometimes I hide and just let it all happen.  Then something, some One wakes me up and says GET UP!  Stand up for what you believe.  We must first educate ourselves and then those around us.  If we are all aware we can do something about this.  The few can't do it themselves, so get up and join the crowd!!!  Educate and lead by example the best you know how.  It's what we can do to try and pull America out of the abyss.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If I were stranded on a deserted island.

If I were stranded on a deserted island and I could only take 5 supplements, I would take these:

1.  Spirulina. 

Amazing stuff.  It would provide me with so many essential nutrients and protein that I wouldn't be able to find on the island.  I wrote a post about this stuff, find it here.

2.  Coconut oil.

I guess there could be coconuts on the island, but one never knows.  Plus, how in the heck am I going to cold press virgin coconut oil on an island??  Anyways, this stuff will provide me with the wonders of a healthy fat, which I am going to need on the island.  Coconut oil could also be used to soothe my sunburned skin and provide an antibacterial, anti fungal salve if I get any cuts.  If you would like to learn more, read my blog post about it here.

3.  Vitamin C.

Unless the deserted island has a plentiful supply of pine needles(which can be boiled for Vit C!  Little tidbit for ya), I am going to need this stuff.  I don't want to be defenseless against treating myself if I get sick.  I'm also going to need this since my diet will probably be lacking in rich sources of Vit C and I don't want my immune system to get weak.

4.  Colloidal Silver.

If I get sick on the island I am going to need a good source of a natural antibiotic to help get me through it.  Something that isn't going to compromise my much needed immune system.

5.  Essential oils.

Oh, there are so many uses for them.  From aromatic to medicinal.  Don't leave home without them.  I really need to write a blog post about their amazingness.  Yeah, I said amazingness.

Wait a minute.  Forget the deserted island.  I would probably end up 10 times healthier there than living here and eating a standard American diet!  All these things seem like they apply in the here and now.  Weird.

I don't know if you understand how painful it was for me to only pick 5.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Caution! Kids at Work.

Oh, kids these days!  They don't know what it's like to walk uphill 2 miles in a snowstorm to get home after school!   

In all seriousness, what about kids these days?  Our kids are being exposed to more and more mature matter all the time.  Sex is everywhere.  Morality is questionable at best.  The world is trying to give them the answer to happiness, which typically revolves around financial success and yoga.  Kids are going to face it at some point or another.  But, why aren't they more mature because of it?  That's because they aren't any older than they used to be.  Does that make sense?  A 15 year old is still 15, regardless of what they are or are not exposed to. 

Kids may be more technically savvy.  They may be able to text message, surf the net and check facebook like champs.  However, what about work ethic?  If you ask me, this is where kids are lacking.  Where is the value of hard work being taught to these kids?  It's almost as if we think that because the world is making them so "mature" that we think they are going to figure it out on their own.  Take a look at kids these days.  Most of them are raised in homes where they have little to no responsibility other than keeping their room clean, if that!  Everything is provided for them and they are not afforded the opportunity to FAIL.

Why are so many of us afraid of teaching our children the value of hard work?  Why are we afraid to let our kids fail?  I can tell you what my fears are.  I fear my kids will be upset with me.  I fear the disappointed looks on their faces when they don't get their way or when things are emotionally hard on them.  But...GET OVER IT(myself included).  Our kids need us to be parents, not their friends.  They need US to teach them the value of hard work.  They need chores and responsibility for their own choices.  It may be hard on the child and the parent, but that's life.

If we don't allow our children to fail, how will they realize the strength they can gain from God and their own perseverance?

“But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."
Isaiah 43:18-19 (NLT)

If we don't teach our children the value of hard work, what will their lives turn out to look like?

"We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it;"  1 Corinthians 4:12 NIV

God has a reward for those who work hard.  Do we want that for our children?  Or do we want them to learn the hard way and flounder in the real world, or have them end up living with us at the age of 30?  No thanks.  I want my kids to earn their way in this world through their own hard work and dedication, not rely on handouts. 

"Look! The best thing that I myself have seen, which is pretty, is that one should eat and drink and see good for all his hard work with which he works hard under the sun for the number of the days of his life that the [true] God has given him, for that is his portion. - Proverbs 5:18"

We cannot deny our children their God given right to responsibility, hard work and perseverance.  God has put us in charge of these little humans.  It's a big responsibility and we don't always do it right, but we need to do our best.  We must always remember that we are raising future adults.  It's time we make the hard choices that being your child's PARENT requires.  Through responsibility and sometimes hardship, your child can learn SO much about themselves and this world we live in under the sun.  It will also lead them closer to a relationship with the One that matters most. 

And don't let us EVER forget....they won't be young forever.  Do your best and for goodness sakes, enjoy it.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

You know you live at the Newman's when...


You and your children are notoriously under dressed because anything nice will inevitably get ruined in 2 seconds. 

You become unafraid of poop in all forms.

Even your Sunday shoes have poop on them.

Other than those 2 months out of the year, mud and fir needles become your nemesis.

Your kids have strong immune systems and you aren't phased by anything gross they do, get in to or eat.  They survive.

You think of subdivisions as "concrete jungles" and would rather be in prison than live there.  No offense.

You warn visitors to bring their rubber boots.

True blue city folk just don't get you and you come to accept it.

Chores become a love/hate relationship.

Your daughter becomes the animal whisperer.  Doesn't matter what animal, she will "whisper" it!

Eating lunch on the deck after working hard all morning is pure bliss.

Your kids are skilled at finding multiple uses for sticks, rocks and dirt.

When toilets are optional.  Sometimes you just don't want to have to take those boots off and go inside.  There ain't anyone watching!!

Your kids become pros on a 4-wheeler at the age of three.  Yes, Moms, you can cringe now. :)

There are always 10 million critters to take care of and you never know what kind of critter you might decide you need next.  After all, you spend more on animals than your own children.

You walk in to the house and may be greeted by a random barnyard animal.

You know you live at the Newman's when there are no words to explain how happy you are as you walk around outside, taking care of critters and watching your kids enjoy all that is "country".  I love this life and am thankful to God for it.

What would you write about your own blessed life?? 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Those people who "get" us.

Those people who "get" us.  We all have them in our lives.  Those people who totally accept you for who you are and love you anyways.  The people that can understand how you are, whether they agree or not and still want to be with you and don't make you feel bad about it.  I so appreciate those people in my life.  My sis and bro in law came over tonight and it totally made me think about this.  I have a hard time pretending to be something I'm not and sometimes that gets me in to trouble.  I spend a lot of my "lonely" times feeling like an outcast, whether it be because I'm a believer or because I speak out constantly about what I am passionate about.   I am a passionate person.  I can't help that.  It's the way God made me.

We all want to be accepted.  No matter how hard we seem on the outside, we all have the same basic needs.  I don't need everyone to agree with me.  I just want to be heard.  I want those close to me to GET that even though we may not agree we can still be friends.  Our differences make the world go round.  I don't get all cheesy that often, but right now you just need to hear me out.

Don't ever forget that those who you are close to are looking for the same thing.  Someone to love them and to accept them for who they are, not to be condemned for what they are not. 

I am so thankful for the relationship I have with Jesus Christ.  He accepts me no matter what and corrects me when I need it.   

"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."  Romans 15:7

I am a believer.  I love Jesus.  I love my family.  I love my friends.  I obsess over food and what's in it.  I care about America and politics.  I have B.O.  a lot and don't shave my legs enough.  My kids are dirty most of the time.  I love the smell of cow poop.  I am obsessive about cleaning my floors.  Sometimes I get mad at my kids and apologize a lot.  I don't always say the right things in the right situations.  I sometimes appear emotionless.  I am NOT fashionable in any way, shape or form and I don't care.  I get a thrill out of driving a tractor.  Being outside makes me really, really happy.  I get irritated with my husband, but he accepts me for who I am and I love him for that.  I love having animals and can't imagine life without them.  I am not always thankful, but right now I am.  I am me. 

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for accepting me.  Not judging me.  You know who you are and I appreciate you.  Never forget that there is someone out there that needs you to be that someone that accepts them, no matter what.  And for goodness sakes, know that there is a God who wants to be the ONE that will accept you NO MATTER WHAT.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Don't give them your money.

The wisdom of a 5 year old I tell ya.  Yesterday we were all outside for the day working and playing when Bean overheard Dustin and I talking about two of our roosters that were going to have to "go".  Bean asked where they were going to go and I explained that we would use them for meat.  I could tell by the look on his face and his wide eyes that he didn't really know quite what to think.  I've always just been blatantly honest with my kids and didn't see the reason to hide this from them.

I sat Bean down and laid it out, plain and simple.  When we eat dinner and there is chicken in it, it comes from a live animal....and so on.  I still got the look.  I further explained to Bean that the reason we don't want to eat at places like McDonald's or buy some of the meat at the grocery stores is because the animals that the meat came from weren't healthy and weren't being treated well.  I also told Bean that we believe that God put animals on the earth for us to care for and to use for nourishment.

Then Bean says "Mom, we don't want to give those places our money".  I was so proud!  He totally got it.  He knew that if we gave those food establishments and those stores our money for the meat that was inhumane and unhealthy that we would be supporting something that we didn't believe was right.

Do you think about where your meat comes from?  Do you think about the animal that it came from?  Believe me, I understand what it's like to look the animal you eat in the eye.  It's not the easiest thing to do and I've learned a lot about myself in the process.  No matter if you believe it's right to eat meat or not, you can at least see the value in an animal that is treated as nourishment versus one that is treated as profit.  It's time we face the music and realize that meat is not just something we buy at the store, there is a LIFE behind it.

Let me tell you something about myself that you may not know.  At the age of 12, I became a vegetarian.  I remained that way until I started keeping chickens.  My perspective has changed and over the past few years I have become a carnivore.  I understand and respect both sides of things and am not trying to talk anyone in to eating meat.  But, I want everyone to be aware that not all meat is created equal.

I challenge you, if you haven't already, to either grow your own meat or purchase meat from a responsible party.  Regardless of your feelings on beef or chicken, we all know that at some level our world depends on it.  Whether it be the hamburger you just ate or the pair of shoes you are wearing.  Let's make sure that the LIFE behind it was lived to the fullest!!

McDonald's and cheap meat can't make it if we don't buy it.  Vote for healthy and humane meat with your dollars.  Yes, it's more expensive, but if we all work together to change the meat industry it will become more affordable.  And much better for our animals.

Psalm 8:3-9

3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?[a]
5 You have made them[b] a little lower than the angels[c]
and crowned them[d] with glory and honor.
6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their[e] feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
and the animals of the wild,
8 the birds in the sky,
and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Just this morning we lost our Marvin.  He was our 9 month old cow who fell ill over a week ago.  It's been tough.  We are emotional beings and even though I knew Marvin was meat, I knew that God wanted me to treat His creation with compassion until the end.  Marvin, as Bean says, you have a "new cow body in Heaven" now.  It's not easy raising animals for meat.  I don't think it was intended to be.  If you don't feel, you ain't livin'.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pound Puppies.

The one on the far left, that's Bean.  He's the human.  Center is Chief, the best dog on the planet.  And on the right is Zeus, who is no longer with us.

Two years ago we decided that we were ready to accept another dog in to our home.  We can't imagine life without a dog.  We went to the pound and found Chief.  He was a stray they found wandering around and we fell in love.  Two years later he is alive and well, sleeping at the foot of my bed every night, entertaining my kids and valiantly protecting us from come what may.  Let's just say, that he is a diamond in the rough.  A success story of sorts.  His life's journey will end with me saying, "He was a good dog.  We'll never get another one like him".

There there was Zeus.  I ran across Zeus while searching craigslist and fell stupidly in love with his sad story.  The woman said that she couldn't keep him anymore and that he would be euthanized unless someone could take him.  We took him in.  He was 11 years old.  This is what I remember of Zeus....

He doesn't want to be alone and will eat your house alive when you leave.

Don't try to put him in a cage, even if it's metal.  He will eat through it.

If you want to leave the house, in order to avoid the above listed problems, you must take him wherever you go.

He will chase your chickens till the cows come home and no training can help that.

If you leave him alone and he escapes, which is inevitable, he will run miles away and the dog catcher will call you.  You will humbly go and pick him up, not once, but numerous times.

He is a major lover and will melt your heart.

He will sleep with your 4 year old son every night and wake up seriously early every morning and sometimes during the night, whining to be let outside so he could wander aimlessly at 2am.

He will will steal your 4 year old son's heart and play ball until you can't play ball any longer.

Zeus was the best, yet the worst dog ever.  One year later, we had to put Zeus down.  He wasn't a dog that any sane person could keep because of his troubles.  The local shelters couldn't take him because of his problems and could only offer us a humane death.  This was heartbreaking.  Especially since our son was madly in love with him and still says that Zeus was his best friend to this day!  I will never really know if I made the right choice and I have made bad decisions with furry friends in the past.  It is a learning process.

But here is what I've learned so far.  Do it anyway.  It's worth the risk.  Not all dogs are adoptable, not all are keepable, but they still deserve a chance.  Even if it's hard.

Please consider adopting a dog from your local shelter. 

Make sure it's right for you and that you are willing to do what it takes, come what may.

R.I.P. Zeus

Thank you, Lord for teaching me, slowly but surely how you want me to take care of your creations.

Thank you, Lord for sending me these precious animals to my care.  I only wish to do what is best.  Please help me, each step of the way.

Honey, honey

We've all had a good peanut butter and honey sandwich, right?  Or perhaps you like some honey with a good cup of tea.  We like to eat a spoonful every now and again.  Most of us are used to our honey looking something like this...

That cute little bear, all full of sweetness.  It's not something that most of us use on a regular basis, but something that we all typically have on hand.  Well, I want to expand your thinking on honey.  If you haven't already looked in to the wonderful benefits of real honey, I would love to be the one that opens your eyes as someone once opened mine.

I used to think that honey was honey, it didn't really matter where you got it from and that it was just another form of sweetener.  I was seriously wrong.  Honey trumps its competitor sugar by a landslide and also has many other benefits as well.

Did you know that the glucose in honey is quickly absorbed by the body and the fructose slowly absorbed, which means that it gives you extended energy as opposed to sugar? 

Honey is an immune system builder.  It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that improve the digestive system.  This, in turn keeps you healthier and better able to fight off disease.

Honey has antiseptic properties.  It will fight yeast infections, athletes foot and is excellent in wound infection prevention.

More commonly known, honey is excellent for sore throats.  The antimicrobial properties not only soothe the sore throat, but can also kill certain bacteria that are part of the cause of the sore throat.  I have used honey when I have a sore throat and it's amazing.  Definitely has soothing powers.

Honey contains Vitamin C, calcium and iron.

Now, let's address what kind of honey one should buy.  The cute little picture above of the bear filled with honey....yeah, don't buy that.  That honey has been heated, pasteurized and filtered in order to make it more beautiful for you when you purchase it.  It will be lacking the necessary enzymes and vitamins that will give you all the wonderful benefits I have listed above.  If you want good honey, you must find local honey from a source that keeps it 100% RAW.  There are a ton of places you can get this honey from, such as local farmer's markets or health food stores.  I purchase mine from Bridgeport Farm and Garden out towards Falls City.  Please buy local.  Those beekeepers need your support and they are doing a very important job!

So, simply put... raw honey is way better for you than sugar.  The more you can substitute honey in to your diet in lieu of sugar is a good thing.  Go for it!

Monday, April 2, 2012

"In God We Trust"


"In God We Trust".  Just look at that nickel in your pocket and you will see it.  The motto of our country.   The motto that we used to be proud of.  Now there are many who are trying to erase it.  Too many people have become afraid to say it in their classroom, to their coworkers or friends.  It's almost become a cuss word, something you don't say unless you know that you are speaking to the right crowd. 

We are living in a world that is trying to erase God from society altogether.  We want everyone to have a choice, to be able to believe whatever they want and not have one faith "dominate" another.  In some ways I get that, but then I always go back to the roots.

Even when I didn't believe in God, I never remember feeling threatened by God or by Christians.  I remember thinking they were weird.  They were freaks who believed in some fake God.  But at the same time, I appreciated it.  I somehow knew the importance of it and didn't feel the need to attack it.  I saw worth in it.  It just wasn't for me.  

Then God decided to take me on a journey.  One that led me straight to Him.  Now, I am a believer. A believer without a doubt in my head that I serve a God bigger than anything that I face here on earth.

God is under attack.  There are people out there who are attempting to erase His name from our society.  I just don't get it.  I've only been a believer for a few years now.  I feel like I have a good idea of what it's like to be a believer and to be a so called "atheist".  I never labeled myself, but I know that I did not believe in the existence of God.  Having experienced both sides I find what is going on in our world very confusing.

Here's the deal.  Believer or not, most people who are rational and have common sense can understand that there are certain values and beliefs associated with the Christian faith that have maintained a level of civility in America.  I know that in my past, I did.  I understood that Christians and their beliefs, although strange to me, were somehow important.  I didn't want that to be taken away from them, I just didn't want it to be shoved down my throat.  I wanted people to have the choice of whether or not they would believe in God.  But, I never saw a need for God to be erased entirely. 

So what in the heck is going on in today's society?  Wake up people and recognize that your right to choose between God and...whatever rapidly coming to a close.  God is being taken out of everything.  Christian families are becoming harder and harder to find as schools, society and media play a game of battlefield with our kids.

I don't want to be the pushy Christian.  I don't ever want someone to think  that since I accepted Christ that I claim to be perfect, or that I am trying to push my beliefs on them.  At the same time, I want people to know what my beliefs are and I want to stand FIRM for what I believe is right.  I don't want to be afraid to say it either.  Takes me back that good ol' saying that if you don't stand for somethin', you'll fall for anything.

I have lost friends and relationships have suffered because of my belief in God.  There are so many days that I feel like the problems of America are too big for me to make a difference.  I want to give up.  Then my kids walk in to the room.  I look into their faces and they give me the strength to stand again.  To stand for God, for America, for our freedom and liberty.  I pray you do too.  No matter what your beliefs.

It's important to understand what exactly our country was founded on.  Go, seek it out.  Find your own truth and see if you don't agree that God is in there, begging for his people to turn back to him for the answers we need to restore hope in this country.  It's time to rediscover our roots and STAND UP.  Together.  Differences aside.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!"
Psalm 33:12