Thursday, November 1, 2012

I'm the next Miss America.

Me.  Competing for the title of Miss America.   I can see myself now.  Strolling out there on that stage in all my glory.  How would I answer the BIG question at the end?  Oh wow, I'm sure my answer would be absolutely riveting.  Well, until the director yells "cut, go to commercial!!".  When I refuse to wear a dress or shave my legs for the swimming suit competition, things might get a little hairy.  I wonder how many times they have to practice that wave.


Bottom line is, we are NOT all Miss America potential.  By the world's standards there are many of us that cannot compete.  We fall short of the standard.  We know it's true.  There's no use denying it.  It IS the reality of the world that we live in.  Sure, we can choose how we react to that and whether or not we choose to be affected by it.  However, majority rules and inferiority in the beauty department stings.

So what can we do about it?  Well, accept it.  I've finally settled in a place in my life where I am fine with who I am.  I have accepted the fact that I am not the runner up for Miss America and I never will be.  I understand that there are things that I cannot change about this world, no matter how frustrated I get.  That doesn't mean that I won't see some woman on TV that will make me question my own sexual desirability or worth...for at least a moment.  Then I will remember that my husband thinks I'm hot.  Then I will think about this...

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
You see, we were each made unique, with different gifts, talents and beauties.  But here is the in the eye of our creator has no comparison to that of worldly standards.  Personally, I have been given so much more than the physical beauty, poise and glamour that comes with being Miss America.  I'm sure being Miss America is great and all.  But I must say, I would much rather have that God, this husband and those kids that love me for the shabby, imperfect woman I am.

There is no amount of makeup, clothing, plastic surgery or diet pills that are going to make you become what you feel as if you need to be.  Miss America will probably always be on TV and there will always be that girl that makes you feel inferior.  If you allow it,  this insatiable appetite for better and prettier will consume you, and it will never be fulfilled. 
Leave Miss America to Miss America.  For the rest of us, just be the best to those that appreciate you for the one that you are, without the shaved legs, swimsuit body, perfect speech and classic wave.

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