Monday, November 26, 2012

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh (and possibly a little boredom)

"And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh."
Matthew 2:11

Gold, Frankincense and worthy of the King, the Lord of all the universe.  As we approach Christmas, I got to thinking about these three gifts.  We all know the value in gold, but what about this Frankincense and Myrrh stuff?  What about it would lead someone to believe it to be valued along with gold and worthy of JESUS!?  Could you imagine picking out that birthday gift!?  For many of us, we would give Jesus our most valued possessions. 
Myrrh is a shrub-like bush that has been used medicinally since...well...forever really.  Did you know that the Egyptians used to use it during the mummification process?  And that myrrh and frankincense were oils used in anointing and burials?  Although that is interesting, here are just a few things that myrrh can do:
Health Benefits: Checks microbial growth, tightens gums and muscles and stops hemorrhage, helps cure cough and cold, stops fungal growth, stimulates discharges and systems, removes gases, good for stomach, gives relief from phlegm, promotes sweating, helps wounds heal quickly and protects them from infection, boosts protection against diseases, improves circulation and protects from rheumatism & arthritis, boosts health and immunity, sedates inflammation, clears spasm.
I personally keep a bottle of myrrh essential oil at my house.  It's uses are many and it is a power packed essential oil. 
Now let's look at Frankincense, which is also a shrub-like brush.  Both myrrh and frankincense are harvested by taking the sap from the bark of the plant.  Frankincense has a very pleasant aroma and was the base of many perfumes until most turned to synthetics(boohoo).  Here is what Frankincense can do:
Health Benefits: Protects wounds against septic, fights infections, induces contractions in gums, muscles and blood vessels, removes gases, heals scars, keeps cells healthy and promotes their generation, promotes digestion, increases urination, promotes menstruation, cures cough and cold, sedates anxiety and inflammations, tones up body, ensures good health of uterus, promotes healing of wounds.

Unless you're like me, you are bored to tears right now.  It's okay, I get it.  I did warn you.
Buuuuut, aren't you glad you know why you too should consider using these two amazing, God worthy plants???  Go get yourself some!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christmas 2012 Bags for the Homeless!

It wasn't that long ago that my view of the homeless was negative, harsh, biased and unfair to say the least.  I mean, they're homeless.  Not everyone asks for it, but some put themselves there, right?  Whether it be drug abuse, trauma or simply a serious lack of motivation.  Most of us can't relate to them and cannot possibly comprehend how they got into the position they are in.  Or there are those people who feel bad for them and unwittingly hand them $5 thinking that they are going to buy food with it, when instead they may use it to buy beer.  Or perhaps you, yourself used to be homeless.
Then I FINALLY realized something(I'm a slow learner).  It's not up to us to decide whom to show love. 
“What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it–we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are.” - 1 John 3:1 Message
Whether your a believer in Jesus or not, I believe we were all chosen.  Not one of us is more special than another.  It took me a looong time to realize that.  Just recently, I was given a BIG idea and was hoping that some of you would help me make it a reality this Christmas season.  I can't do this without YOU.  With your help, I would be honored to coordinate an effort to help our homeless this Christmas in the Dallas and Salem area.  This is a simple way to show a little Christmas love to the population of homeless that are the hardest to reach and could use a little recognition, especially this time of year.  There are many agencies that work hard at showing our homeless love.  This is another way that each family could do one big thing.
When I say homeless, I mean the HOMELESS.  Such as those that are living in tents in the Wallace Park and those who frequent under the W Salem Bridge.  My goal is for you to join me in reaching the definition of what homeless is in our area.  I am currently working on coordinating the effort with local Law Enforcement as they are able to provide valuable information and services.  I also think that their presence would make this effort even that much more special and safe for those delivering the bags.  The week of Christmas myself and perhaps a few of you will deliver the personalized bags to the recipients.  There are many details that still need to be worked out.
Here is the concept:
You fill a reusable shopping bag(s) and fill it with items that the homeless typically need.  Not only that, but include a personal note from the individual or family who packed it for them.  Make it personal for the recipient.
Can't pack a bag?  There are sooo many ways that you could help. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in helping with and if so/if not, perhaps you could spread the word to someone else who may want to.  You can donate one bag, one tube of toothpaste, or one encouraging letter letting someone you don't even know that they were thought about this Christmas season.
If you would like to be part of this and pack your own bag for a homeless person this year, here is the information:
Please keep the bags unisex and only put into the bags what will fit into a standard size reusable grocery bag. So when buying socks, hats, gloves, etc. buy for a standard size man and choose unisex colors for all items if possible(I understand if you can't!). Please, please include a letter from you or your family to the person receiving the bag, maybe even pictures made by your kids! The following is a list that I came up with. Feel free to add or delete your own items as you wish and only put in what you feel like or can financially give. 

rain poncho
stocking cap
band aides
ziplock bags of all sizes
sewing kits
ready to eat snacks/food
activity books
deck of cards
travel size shampoo
wet wipes
chap stick

Have fun! You have no idea what your bag is going to do!

I would like to have the bags by Dec 15th so there is ample time to get things organized and the bags distributed.  If you have items that you would like to donate, please get ahold of me!  Thank you so much for any help that you are able to give.  I'm so excited to see what can be done through one small act of kindness.

You can find me on Facebook or email me at!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

I'm the next Miss America.

Me.  Competing for the title of Miss America.   I can see myself now.  Strolling out there on that stage in all my glory.  How would I answer the BIG question at the end?  Oh wow, I'm sure my answer would be absolutely riveting.  Well, until the director yells "cut, go to commercial!!".  When I refuse to wear a dress or shave my legs for the swimming suit competition, things might get a little hairy.  I wonder how many times they have to practice that wave.


Bottom line is, we are NOT all Miss America potential.  By the world's standards there are many of us that cannot compete.  We fall short of the standard.  We know it's true.  There's no use denying it.  It IS the reality of the world that we live in.  Sure, we can choose how we react to that and whether or not we choose to be affected by it.  However, majority rules and inferiority in the beauty department stings.

So what can we do about it?  Well, accept it.  I've finally settled in a place in my life where I am fine with who I am.  I have accepted the fact that I am not the runner up for Miss America and I never will be.  I understand that there are things that I cannot change about this world, no matter how frustrated I get.  That doesn't mean that I won't see some woman on TV that will make me question my own sexual desirability or worth...for at least a moment.  Then I will remember that my husband thinks I'm hot.  Then I will think about this...

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
You see, we were each made unique, with different gifts, talents and beauties.  But here is the in the eye of our creator has no comparison to that of worldly standards.  Personally, I have been given so much more than the physical beauty, poise and glamour that comes with being Miss America.  I'm sure being Miss America is great and all.  But I must say, I would much rather have that God, this husband and those kids that love me for the shabby, imperfect woman I am.

There is no amount of makeup, clothing, plastic surgery or diet pills that are going to make you become what you feel as if you need to be.  Miss America will probably always be on TV and there will always be that girl that makes you feel inferior.  If you allow it,  this insatiable appetite for better and prettier will consume you, and it will never be fulfilled. 
Leave Miss America to Miss America.  For the rest of us, just be the best to those that appreciate you for the one that you are, without the shaved legs, swimsuit body, perfect speech and classic wave.

Monday, October 1, 2012



Yes, that is the fiery pit of hell.  Well, I guess so.
I would be lying if I said I hadn't wished someone would end up there. 
I get mad.  I take offense.  And I especially don't like it when people hate on MY Jesus.
Just recently I found myself wishing someone THERE after they took MY Jesus' name in vain, made a mockery of Him and felt it was their life mission to debunk the "myth" of Christianity.
Then, MY Jesus made me aware of something.
That same person that I wished would rot in Hell is loved by Him just as much as I am.
Well, there's that.  So much for me thinking I had all the damnation under control.
I want to hate people so much sometimes.  The human, the sinner in me wants to despise them and feel glad at the thought of them going to Hell after they spent their life despising the One that SAVED me.
Instead of hate, I should feel love.  I should pray for them, with the hope that Jesus takes control of their life the way He did mine.  How hard is that sometimes?  Many of you are probably way better at this than me, but's tough.  The protector in me rears it's ugly head and I end up a sinner along with the one that I am pointing fingers at.
I feel so much love for Jesus that the thought of someone dissing Him gets my goat.

You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.  Matthew 5:43-48
For me, it comes so much easier to hate than it is to love and forgive.  I am a work in progress and I fail sooo much.  I am so thankful that He reminds me that all are loved by Him, therefore I should love as well.  Even those that seem so unlovable. 
I'm workin' on it.  Thanks to Him.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A case of the pukes.

Oh no, little Sue has a serious case of the pukes.  Sorry for those of you out there named Sue, it's just the first name that came to mind.  You panic because you don't have anything to give her to re balance those precious electrolytes she is losing at a rapid race.  You decide it's time for a trip to the store to get something. 

Choice #1:

Pedialyte.  It's great, right?  Tastes great and the kids love it. 

Here are the "Nonmedicinal ingredients": water, citric acid, artificial grape flavour, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red No. 40, and FD&C Blue No. 1.

A few of those are a little concerning to me.  Not sure why I would want to put any potential harmful ingredients into my child, especially when their immune system is already seriously compromised.

Choice #2:

Gatorade is a popular one, especially among adults.  I used to buy it whenever I had the pukes.  Among the ingredients in most Gatorade are sucralose, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavoring and artificial coloring.

To be fair to Pedialyte and Gatorade, they do contain a lot of good essential electrolytes that our bodies need when we are puking our guts out and desperately need to be rebalanced.  But what if I told you there was a better solution?  One that wasn't made in a factory and put together by man.  One that is all goodness all by itself, just the way it was created.  Interested yet?

Introducing coconut water...

Choice #3:

For those of you that have good eyes, you will notice that the label says 100% pure coconut water.  Nothing added, nothing taken away.  You see, coconut water naturally contains all of the beneficial electrolytes needed during a puking spell.  Coconut water contains 16% potassium compared to only 1% contained in Gatorade, which is more potassium than in an entire banana.  It also contains the very important magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and calcium our body needs.  Coconut water contains the very same electrolyte balance you have in your body.  That just amazes me.  Coconut water is also known to reduce vomiting, which can't be a bad thing when you feel like you are about to puke out your intestines.

Coconut water is also a great way for those of you who work out(I have no clue what it's like) to make up for your lost minerals and fluids.  If you have not discovered coconut water, I encourage you to give it a try.

So, perhaps you could consider stocking your fridge with some coconut water instead of that Pedialyte and Gatorade this year.  Just make sure you get the good stuff.  And if you have to start out by mixing it half and half, that's ok, don't beat yourself up about it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jealous of John

Revelation is my favorite book in the Bible.  Well, I guess when I say favorite, that means my favorite book in the Bible that I have actually managed to read.  I have tried to read the Bible all the way through, but have failed each time.  Lord, you lost me at Kings.  What can I say?  I'm imperfect, a sinner...and apparently undisciplined.  When I read the book of Revelation, it's like I'm reading an exciting Sci-fi or Fantasy novel.  I just picture Jesus riding in on his horse and kicking butt!  Can I mention something at this point...I am embarrassed to admit all of this. 

When I picture John at the feet of God almighty himself, I can't help but feel one thing.  Jealousy.  I mean, why couldn't it have been me?  I totally could have done that, right?  Yeah right, I would have been a complete nutcase up there.  It begins like this...wait..and yeah, I kinda picture the Bible in candle light, all creepy-like...

The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,  who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.  Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.  Revelation 1-3

Hold the phone.  Can you even imagine this?  Being the one that God chose to catch a glimpse of what He was going to do, to see His prophecy???  To bring this in to modern times, this would be like winning a trip to Disneyland(if you're 5) times a gazillion times a gazillion.  Realistically, it can't even be comprehended.  John, you lucky dog.

After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”  At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it.  And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne.  Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads.  From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.  Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.  Revelation 4: 4-6

Okay, could you seriously even begin to imagine this?  Walking in to a place where the Lord himself sits?   The beauty, the fear and awe that you would feel is absolutely unimaginable.  I would feel so small and insignificant, yet so overwhelmed by the opportunity to be there.  John, I'm trying to be happy for you, but still a little jealous.

In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back.  The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle.  Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
“‘Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,
who was, and is, and is to come.”" Revelation 4: 6-11

At this point, I would really hope that my wordly desire to stare uncomfortably wouldn't surface.  I'm not certain that I could resist the temptation to gawk while my jaw hits the floor.

I could totally see myself doing something stupid like this.

"Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders.  In a loud voice they were saying:
“Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,
to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength
and honor and glory and praise!”

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:
“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
be praise and honor and glory and power,
for ever and ever!”
The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.:  Revelation 5: 11-14
Yeah, at this point I would probably fall down and worship too.  While blubbering like an idiot and begging for forgiveness for all of the horrible things I have done in my life.  I wonder if I could even look God in the eyes.  I picture myself feeling shame, yet overwhelming relief and forgiveness at the same time.   

Then he told me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, because the time is near.  Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.”  Revelation 22: 10-11

Right now I would be wondering if I was the vile one being referred to.  I am definitely considered vile sometimes.  I'm not exactly considering myself who I want to be when I get to meet God.  Makes me think about what kind of work I need to allow Him to do in me.  Because bottom line, we are being allowed to make our own mistakes and to choose between following our own way or His.

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.  Revelation 22: 12-13
Whether we want to admit it or not, we will all sit before the throne of God.  Some of us want to get there sooner than others.  Some still feel like they have a few things to get in order before they leave.  Others deny that they will ever sit before the throne.  No matter what, your time will come.  The time that you will sit in absolute, shuddering and incomprehensible awe of the Creator, just like John did.  Except for John, it was just a glimpse.  My puny mind thinks it will be a time for recounting our lives and finding out what place our Creator has for us.  Until our time comes, we can only imagine what it would be like to sit in the presence of almighty God.
Me personally, I'm hoping for a seat in the herbal clinic.  Where I would get to tinker with all of the wonderful plants He made for us to heal one another with.  I could ask God what the top 10 essential oils are.  Oh wait...I'm forgetting that there won't be anything to heal...since He is the Great Physician and all.  Oh well, it was a good dream while it lasted.

Until then, Lord please give me a Revelation!  I really want to shape up before I finally get to meet you.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The play by play on waking up with a cold.

When I woke up this morning, I found myself sneezing constantly and all stuffed up.  Things weren't too bad yet, so I decided to break out the arsenal.

I started by taking my vitamins.  I will amp myself all day with extra Vit C.

Then I applied essential oils(eucalyptus and oregano) to the bottoms of my feet and on my neck and chest.  I will apply other combinations throughout the day including cinnamon, lemon and peppermint, etc.

I drank some good quality tea with added raw honey.

I took some straight echinacea, will do that three times today. 

Will be sure to take a couple shots of raw apple cider vinegar.

I will seal the deal by taking a nice hot bath tonight with some of my favorite essential oils.

So there you have it.  That's what I do when I start to feel myself getting sick(with a minor cold).  Break out the arsenal so when you feel yourself getting sick you can nip it in the bud before things go too far south!

If you have an arsenal for the common cold, please share your ideas with us.  We just might learn something from each other.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Organic trash talk

There sure has been a lot of talk about GMO's, organic foods and whether or not they truly make a difference.  I recently became aware of a study put out by Stanford that claimed there is little to no difference between organic and non-organic food.  No, I didn't read the study.  I wouldn't waste my time.

Organic food is taking a serious bashing recently.  And there is a good reason why.  With all the recent chatter on GMO(Genetically Modified) foods and organic/and or healthy eating on the rise, big business is scared.  Well, let's just call big business what it is...companies like Monsanto.  Monsanto doesn't want consumers aware of the health benefits of eating organic or avoiding GMO's.  That would put them out of business.  Not to mention, their goal of globally dominating the food supply would take a serious hit.  I'm such a conspiracy theorist...or not.

Here is why I'm telling you this.  I don't want anyone to be fooled by the media or the so called studies.  For me personally, it all comes down to common sense.  You can find a study or statistics to back up just about any side of an argument.  That's where you use the brain and intuition that God gave you and you discern the truth from lies.

On one side we have processed, chemically treated and lab created food.  On the other we have organic, dirty(in a good way) and unaltered food.  Not to mention who the proceeds of the sale goes to.  Common sense tells me to choose the latter.

Can organic "stuff" get hyped?  Sure it can.  Are there organic companies who may lie about their products and fool consumers?  Probably so.  This is where YOU come in and use your best judgement.  But one thing that I am convinced of is that your chances are much better off with the organic side of things.  With that said, there is evil lurking everywhere, we need to use wisdom as to not be blind to it.

Control of the food supply can make or break us as a people.  We must maintain control so that we can have access to clean and safe food.  Buy local, healthy and organic as much as you possibly can and never forget to discern the truth from lies.  They are not going to stop this battle anytime soon.  It will only get worse.  Your health, your children's health and the dirt underneath your feet are depending on YOU and I to make the right choices.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Stocking your medicine cabinet for winter...Hippy Chick style.

With winter approaching, I have started thinking about what kinds of things I want to have on hand for the cold and flu season.  I have been caught without supplies and a sick child and been very upset with myself.  So many times, if we have the right supplies, we can nip it in the bud before it turns into something much more serious.  Here is a list of things that I would absolutely NOT be caught dead without this winter.  For the sake of time and your attention spans, I will only list a few things, but I could go on and on!  I hope that you all can dig deeper and expand your medicine cabinets the healthy way.

Essential oils including eucalyptus, cinnamon, lemon and tea tree(these are some of the more affordable ones).  If you really want to start getting funky with it, add others like Cedarwood, Lavender, Sweet Orange, Myrrh, Peppermint, etc!  There are sooo many other good ones, but let's start there.  Apply the oils(just a drop or two) at the first onset of a cold or cough, using a little oil of your choice as a carrier(such as coconut oil).  Good alternative to Vick's.  Rub on chest and bottoms of the feet a couple times a day or more.  Don't forget to purchase GOOD oils, they won't do the job if they are crap.  I go through Mountain Rose Herbs.
A good moisturizer for all the dry skin and also for applying your essential oils.  I prefer either coconut oil(raw, unrefined) or Tamanu oil.  Mix the two together and you get a great consistency for that dry winter skin, cracks, etc.  Add a little Vitamin E oil in there and you'll really be lovin' it.
Echinacea.  I buy it in a dropper bottle, straight stuff.  There are a lot of products out there likes teas and such, which I'm sure are great, but the straight stuff is what I like.  Echinacea works wonders with any type of illness.
Vitamin C.  Seems like a no brainer, but make sure you are stocked up.  I take it in a capsule(absorbs better) or you can get the powdered stuff(like Emergen-C).  I take it every few hours during the day when I am sick. 
Multi-Vitamin.  Be sure you are taking your daily vitamin to keep your immunity up.  Prevention.  Like anything, there are crappy vitamins and good ones.  Do your research.
Electrolytes.  The last thing you want to do is have yourself or child start puking and you have no electrolytes on hand.  I prefer coconut water, because it's the absolute healthiest and best.  I try and steer clear of Gatorade and the flavored Pedialyte because I don't see how high fructose corn syrup is going to help me or my child when they are sick...  So I try and stick to the coconut water, unflavored Pedialyte or the packets of powdered electrolytes(electrolyte stamina power pack by Trace Minerals Research).  Hammer the stuff down immediately, because once your electrolytes are off balance, you're in a heap of trouble.
Colloidal Silver.  Use as directed, please.  A natural alternative to antibiotics.  I have used this with great results for the last few years and wouldn't be without it.
Some good, raw honey.  Excellent for a sore throat, not to mention it's healing properties.  I will give my kids a spoonful(they don't object) when they complain of a sore throat.
So there ya have it.  What wouldn't you do without this winter??


Friday, August 3, 2012

I'm not always okay.

I am experiencing a lot of change, wonder, and unknown in my life right now.

I feel like I don't really know what is going on and I don't have much control.

Where am I going to end up?

Where am I being led?

It's easy to get happy, then sad, then discouraged and eventually hopeful.

No matter what we are going through, we have Someone who is going to help us.  I know that God is on my side.  He may not give me the answers I want, the timing may be off and it may get a tad bit uncomfortable. 

Bottom line, God always has to remind me that I am NOT in control.  And when I attempt to be, I ALWAYS get myself into trouble.  Sometimes I think it would be nice for life to be like a remote control where I could hit stop, pause, fast forward and rewind.  That power button might even come in handy.

It's okay to let Him take the reigns.  He's better equipped than we are, been around a little longer and always has our best interests at heart.

It's okay to have those days and admit...."I'm not okay".  Feel it.  Work it out.  Move on.  Know that all is well.

All is well, all is well;
Lift up your voice and sing.

Born is now Emmanuel,
Born is our Lord and Savior.
Sing Alleluia, sing Alleluia, all is well.

You may be thinking that all is NOT well!  All is NOT well with your soul!  I get it.  However, it all comes in to perspective when we remember this...

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34

That is what Jesus said, dying on the cross.  He remembered us, our sins above his own pain and suffering. 

He still will.

No matter where you are, He will meet you there if you let Him.

So join me in casting your fear and worries aside and rest in knowing that there is someone else out there who will willingly take that burden for you if you let Him.

And no, it's not this dude.

It's this One.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Come at me bro, Mel Gibson style.

Take my freedom.

Attack my Christian beliefs.

Corrupt my children.

Inflate the currency until it hurts.

Create a law or policy for EVERYTHING.

Contaminate my food supply.

Try and take away my guns.

Tear apart the family.

Lie to me.

Devalue the life of a fetus.

Corrupt every level of my leadership.

Burn my flag and keep the Pledge of Allegiance at bay.

Fail to protect my borders.

Take my job overseas.

Downplay terrorism.

Create a welfare state.

We may agree.  We may agree to disagree.  We all have something we stand for.  When someone rocks your boat, stand up for it.


"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

2 Chronicles 7:14

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Our worst critic.

I saw this nifty quote drifting around facebook and just knew it was the motivation I needed to write a post.  I have been thinking lately about how hard we are on ourselves.  We are truly our own worst critics.

Maybe it's negative self talk about how you parent, the way you look, how you perform at something or things you have done in the past that you regret.  No matter what it is, we have a tendency to get excruciatingly down on ourselves.  I know I call myself stupid or retarded when I do something foolish.  It can sometimes be something as simple as dropping something or burning the toast.  Stupid?  Retarded?  Did I really deserve that?

Think about how you would feel if someone else was as hard on you as you are on yourself?  Perhaps you have had one of those critics in your life.  I hope you don't, but most us of know that it hurts pretty bad if someone calls you (or makes you feel) stupid, ugly or unworthy.

Just like the quote above, we do compare our own lives to others.  I don't care who you are, if you are human, you've done this before.  When I find myself comparing my life to someone elses, it's almost always someone that I don't know intimately.  I only see their "highlight reel".  I don't get to see all the imperfections, the drama or hear their own nasty self talk.  I don't know if the husband brings his wife breakfast in bed every morning like I imagine he MUST.  I don't know if those perfectly behaved children turn into demons the second they walk through the front doors of their own house.  I don't know if their finances are or are not in shambles because they couldn't resist the temptation to keep up with the Joneses. 

Or what about when I've compared my life to someone elses and thought about how much better my life is than theirs...that's not very nice.  Humans I tell ya.  Often times, we can be pretty self centered and mean.  Often times we don't want to admit it, but it is a reality that all of us face.  Some more than others. 

In the book of Obadiah, God gave the people of Edom a warning.  In Obadiah 1:12, God said "You should not look down on your brother in the day of his misfortune, nor rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor boast so much in the day of their trouble."   God goes on to warn the people that they will judged as they have judged others.  The same holds true for us today.  We don't have the right to judge ourselves or others. 

There is absolutely no use or gain in comparing our own lives to others. It will only lead to feelings of inferiority or superiority, both of which can turn in to some pretty nasty personality traits.  Not to mention that comparing ourselves isn't fair to either party.  We are either cutting ourselves down and putting someone else on a pedestal or vice versa.  No one except God alone deserves to be put on a pedestal.  No one can live up to it.

Let's face reality.  We are all human, which means that we are imperfectly perfect.  Just the way God made us.  If you are following God's lead, you are living WITH and exactly WHAT He planned for you.  Don't be hatin' on and comparing yourself or others.  We must catch ourselves in those moments and remember this:

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.  All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

Psalm 139: 13-16  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hollywood Disappointments

Let's call her Pearl, since I love that name and wish I could have another daughter just so the name doesn't go to waste.  Pearl, oh how she loves the day her People magazine comes in the mail.  She thumbs through it immediately, catching up on the newest fashions and celebrity gossip.  She just can't believe that Lindsay Lohan had to go into rehab AGAIN.  Poor Lindsay she thinks.  Pearl wonders what happened to the poor girl. 

Pearl closes the magazine and looks around her house.  It's not nearly as nice, clean and glamorous as Britney Spears' is.  Pearl looks in her closet and feels inadequate, she can't possibly afford the latest fashions, although she tries as she charges endless amounts of clothing on her Nordstrom credit card.  Pearl can't sing worth a darn and can't act, so where in the world is she going to make her millions?  She's gotta figure it out soon, because her standard of living is certainly not going to cut it.  Meanwhile, Pearl's kids and husband are watching her.  Soaking it in.

As a kid, I LOVED Michael Jackson. This is how I remember him. I had the poster on my wall and every one of his tapes!

I slowly watched Michael Jackson change in to this over the years. It was sad, disappointing and confusing. Such an amazing talent and person turn in to something that was completely unrecognizable from his old self.

I like to poke fun at Lindsay Lohan, but it really makes me sad to see this girl:

Morph in to this...

So many Hollywood stars are the center of our attention and are rapidly becoming the apple of our children's eyes as well.  The life of the stars is flooded with dysfunction, unreal expectations and heightened glamour.  It's not real and it is obviously taking it's toll on many of their lives as is seen through tabloids and television.  I have found myself captivated by the lifestyle of the rich and famous.  I understand how hard it can be to shut out, especially when it's on every channel and magazine stand.

I believe we must be diligent at protecting our hearts and the hearts of our children against this.  It has proven itself to be a quick and sure path to self destruction.  Yes, they will still be exposed to it at some level, just as we are.  But let us not use that as an excuse to allow it because "that's just the way things are nowadays".  It doesn't HAVE to be the way things are and we can still do what is in our power to fight against it and prepare our children for the day they do face that temptation.

Let's find joy in the simplicity of our own lives, thankful for what we HAVE.  And for goodness sakes, we must be sure, more now than ever, to ingrain in our children that their worth is not tied up in a glamorous lifestyle. 

"A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot."

Proverbs 14:30

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Introducing Kombucha

This is Kombucha.  It's become quite the craze in the world of the hippies and well, apparently Lindsay Lohan.

Okay, enough with the jokes.  I promise.

Kombucha really is a wonder drink.  In a world where pop(or soda as some of you call it) is running rampant, Kombucha has the ability to save us all from ourselves.  When I talk to people who are addicted to pop, they typically tell me that they are mainly addicted to the carbonation.  I get a craving for a good Diet Pepsi now and again.  Kombucha can be a great way to fulfill your craving for carbonation, but also get the following benefits that Diet Pepsi most certainly can't contend with:

Probiotics – healthy bacteria
Alkalize the body – balances internal pH
Detoxify the liver – happy liver = happy mood
Increase metabolism – rev your internal engine
Improve digestion – keep your system moving
Rebuild connective tissue – helps with arthritis, gout, asthma, rheumatism
Cancer prevention
Alleviate constipation
Boost energy – helps with chronic fatigue
Reduce blood pressure
Relieve headaches & migraines
Reduce kidney stones
High in antioxidants – destroy free-radicals that cause cancer
Improve eyesight
Speed healing of ulcers – kills h.pylori on contact
Help clear up candida & yeast infections
Aids in healthy cell regeneration
Lower glucose levels – prevents spiking from eating

Kombucha tastes kind of like a mix of apple cider and sparkling wine.  It comes in many different flavors, the asian pear and ginger is my favorite so far.  Kombucha is made through a natural fermentation process.  Kombucha can be bought in a filtered form or raw.  Raw is best and will provide more health benefits, but either are great.  Consider buying a glass of Kombucha next time the craving hits, instead of that Coke. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I saw a ghost today.

Every time I drive out of town a certain way, I see this little old house on the right side of the road.  It's a sweet little house out in the country with all sorts of trinkets and lawn ornaments adorning the yard.  Well, I guess not anymore.  But it used to.  And sometimes when I would drive by on the way to drop my son off at school I would see this very old lady walking around outside, all hunched over, with paints and paintbrush in hand.  She would walk around her yard and diligently "touch up" all of her treasures she had lined up in her yard.  It always melted my heart.  It appeared as if she lived there all alone.  I always wondered what her story was.  Every time I drove by I would look for her, as for some reason she intrigued me.

The day I saw the lawn ornaments removed and the for sale sign in the yard, I felt a little sad, wondering what happened to the sweet little old lady.  Did she die?  Probably.  She didn't appear to be Retirement Home material.  It's been several months since I've got to see her.  Today as I was driving by, I thought of the sweet little old lady, wondering what she would think about her house being for sale and all of her beautiful lawn ornaments put away.  

As I drove closer to the house, I saw her.  I could see her through the glass door in the shed.  She was just standing there, with her arms crossed, wearing a peach robe and looking rather glum.  I assumed she was looking at the shell of what her place used to be, sad that she wasn't there to tend to it, and sure that whoever comes to live there won't take care of it the way she used to.  I blinked, unsure of what I was seeing, and when I reopened my eyes she was gone.

I don't believe in ghosts and I promise I didn't take any mind altering drugs.  Perhaps I've been watching too much Sci-Fi.  I've convinced myself it was my mind playing tricks on me.  I drove away, breathless and shaky.  Regardless, it has my head reeling.

We all have things in this life that we never want to leave.  Perhaps it's your children, your spouse, your work, your pets or your possessions.  Well, God tells us this...

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:21

If I knew that I would die tomorrow, the first thing I would think about were my kids.  The list of people I would miss and the experiences I wished to have someday would go on and on I'm sure.  Then regrets would set in.

Today was a reminder, that there is more to this life than THIS.  If I'm gone tomorrow, everyone else will go on living.  My kids will be in God's hands and I will be in heaven.  I certainly don't want to worry about being a ghost, lurking around my property in a peach robe, making sure the next tenant keeps my garden up.  I want God to be my most valuable treasure.

Today was also a reminder to me that we are only here for a short time.  Worrying about silly things that don't matter only waste the time we have.  Life is about living while we are here.  That's not an excuse to party all day every day, that is a call to do what is right.  To accomplish what you were put here to do.  We all have a purpose, whether we know it yet or not. 

And hey, a little funny business on the side is probably okay every now and again...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Hippy Wrinkle Cream

Meet Tamanu Oil.

Tamanu is an amazing moisturizer.  Dry skin doesn't stand a chance when you have a bottle of Tamanu in your arsenal.  Mix it with a few drops of your favorite skin enhancing essential oil and you're in for a real treat. 

Tamanu is not just your average moisturizer.  It's a pretty amazing oil.  You're not going to find this kind of stuff at WalMart, that is for certain.  So, here is a brief, shortened list of Tamanu's benefits and uses.


-antimicrobial(kills microorganisms)

-antibiotic(therefore excellent for cuts, scrapes, wound care)

-helps with dry skin, acne, diaper rash, bruises, insect bites, psoriasis, anal fissures, diabetic ulcers, sunburn, eczema, herpes sores, cracked feet, jock itch

-Tamanu reduces the appearance of stretch marks and can reduce foot and body odor(hmmm)

-traditionally Tamanu oil was used in Fiji for relieving the pain of sciatica, shingles, neuralgia, rheumatism and leprous neuritis

As you can see, Tamanu is highly useful for a number of different topical treatments.  Tamanu oil is for external use only.  Tamanu has a unique ability to promote the formation of new tissue, which is what makes it so useful for wound care and any other type of skin regeneration(I'm thinking wrinkles!).

And if you're curious...Tamanu oil originated in Tahiti and is derived from the nuts of the Polynesian Tamanu tree.

I buy my Tamanu oil from Mountain Rose Herbs.  Mountain Rose's Tamanu is cold pressed, certified organic and 100% pure.  The bottle looks like this:

Go get yourself some.    I'm pretty convinced it's total awesomeness.

You can visit Mountain Rose Herbs website HERE.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Have you ever felt like someone was trying to silence you?  I'm not talking about someone actually putting duct tape on your mouth, threatening you or telling you to be quiet.  I'm talking about a feeling you get inside telling you that what you have to say isn't important.

I sure have.  It typically begins with a feeling of inadequacy.  I over analyze something I said, a conviction I passionately obsess over or a belief I possess.  I wonder what people are going to think of me and I start to feel frustrated, hurt and angry.  And then, I put the wall up.  I convince myself that what I have to say or what I want to contribute to something is not worthwhile and it's most certainly not worth my time and effort.

Then I feel all depressed and start moping around.  Probably because I am busy feeling sorry for myself and denying myself the truth.  As humans, we worry so much about what other people are going to think of us that we don't want to even try to speak up, speak out or speak anything that may be against the grain.  And the Bible believing bunch know that we also have another contender for our thoughts.  That evil dude wants to silence us when he knows that we might have a negative impact on his path to pure evilness.

Between the world, ourselves and Satan beating us up we have a hard row to ho.  It's so hard not to feel alone sometimes. 

This is where having good friends and family around come in.  Just when you are feeling at your worst, someone encourages you.  Me, I believe those people are being used by God...just at the right time.  You get that little nudge that gets you thinking.  You begin to feel that passion again, that zest, that LIFE seeping back in.  Before long, you realize that you nearly allowed yourself to be SILENCED.

We all have a story and unique talents that no one else in the world has.  We all have something important that we need to say, do or be part of.  Don't be afraid to be the unique YOU.  Share your ideas and beliefs with others.  Don't be afraid to start something great or be part of something life changing.  You might get dissed, go through dry spells and get flat on your face depressed at times.  BUT, you can get back up.  Because when you do, you are renewed with that passion all over again.

Sometimes all you have to do is look for a little light.

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control." 

2 Tim 1:7