Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm MAD that...

I'm mad that... I can't go to the grocery store and just shop.  I have to check the labels for poisons and genetic modification.  That healthy food is harder to find and more expensive.

I'm mad kids were both vaccinated and that I was given absolutely no choice in the matter because I was uneducated about it.

I'm mad son was given bottle after bottle of non-organic milk from the store and I had no idea I was doing anything detrimental to him.  That organic milk costs $6 a gallon.  That finding raw milk is made to be difficult and we are told it's "risky". 

I'm mad that... for the first 3 years of my son's life I gave him fluoride from a dropper that the Doctor prescribed me.  I was unknowingly poisoning his brain every day for 3 years.

I'm mad that...McDonald's exists.  That the food they serve is filled with toxins, they know it and don't care.  That my kids have to be the deprived ones because they don't get to eat Happy Meals. 

I'm mad that...I currently have fillings in my teeth that contain mercury which is poisoning me as I type.

I'm mad that...for most of my life I used daily beauty and cleaning products that were toxic to me.

I'm mad that...people all around me are getting cancer at unprecedented rates and are not being fully educated on the options of the treatment of cancer.  I am also mad that many of the people could have avoided cancer had they had more knowledge about the toxins we are introduced to on a daily basis.  That I may get cancer from choices I made because I didn't know any better.

I'm mad that diabetes and obesity are on the rise because of our crappy food.

I'm mad that...the FDA, the Government and Monsanto are allowing our food and health to suffer in order to make money and keep the status quo.

I'm mad one told me about all of this because they have been lied to themselves and that the people who do know are wrongfully discredited and made out to be a bunch of loonies.

I'm mad that...I have to explain all of this to my kids.  Yet, thankful that I can.

I can be mad.  God tells me there is nothing wrong with that.

 "Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger," Ephesians 4:26

But, I must deal with my anger and not allow it to give the devil a foothold.  If I allow my anger at the world's current health and food problems to fester, I will be consumed with hate and bitterness.  It won't do me any good.  Even Jesus himself got angry.

"And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at htheir hardness of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” iHe stretched it out, and his hand was restored." Mark 3:5

  13 tThe Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus uwent up to Jerusalem. 14 vIn the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. 15 And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. 16 And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make wmy Father’s house a house of trade.”  John 2:13-16

It's clear that there is a time and place for righteous anger.  My anger typically isn't righteous, but I'm workin' on it.  I hope that all of you can find something to be mad about in order to use your passion to make changes in your life and be an example to others.  In so many ways we are being lied to.  Create your own path, do the research and let's start changing this.

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