Sunday, May 27, 2012


Apple Cider Vinegar that is.

Here is why you may be interested.

Raw, unfiltered ACV is vinegar made from nutritious, organic apples.  This ACV is raw, which means that the apples retain their nutrition since the vinegar is not pasteurized.  During it's two fermentation processes, it produces enzymes and life giving nutrients that make ACV quite powerful.

This stuff:

Is pasteurized and DEAD.  Steer clear of this.

So, here are VERY few of the benefits that raw, unfiltered ACV has to offer:

Helps maintain healthy blood pressure.

Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Aides in stabilizing glucose levels.

Helps you feel full, helping with weight maintenance.

Helps with digestive upsets.

It contains calcium, copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Numerous uses for skin and hair care including acne, stabilizing skin ph and shiny hair.

Fights against cold and flu.

Detoxifies the body.

Use to get rid of that nasty heartburn.

Whitens teeth.

Repels fleas and insects.

Will clean nearly anything you would like around your home.

Seriously, this list is only a start to what ACV can do.  If you believe in the powers of ACV, look further into it's amazing abilities(I feel like I'm talking about a super hero here).

The biggest reason I love ACV is because it has SO many uses.  From health, to beauty to home.  It's something that I love having in my arsenal.  It's not a cure all, nothing is, but it's pretty stinkin' great.

Put a teaspoon or so in a little water and drink up once a day...or a couple if you're feeling frisky.

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